Friday, October 30, 2015

That Time I Maced My Husband

As we do every year, we went to GoFest in mid October.  Here are some highlights from this year.

1.  This year, Pierce scampered straight to the top of the climbing wall, and rang the bell.

2.  Cort and Reid weren't interested in the climbing wall this time.  They did, however, do bike races and an alligator log rolling bouncy thing.

3.  Food trucks are crazy expensive.  You would assume food trucks would be kind of cheap, you know?  Not the case.  A grilled cheese cost me $8.  With no drink, no side, no chips, no condiments, no lettuce, no tomato.  Nothing extra.  Next year we're definitely eating at home.

4.  The guy at the Backpacker Magazine booth had 'practice mace'.  Looks like mace but it sprays water, so you can practice.  I laughed and declined taking one.  But he insisted I should have one for practice.  So I took one to be nice.  Later that night?  Yes, you can bet I practiced.  On Paul.  His face registered shock, then comprehension, as he realized it didn't hurt.  Then he laughed and laughed.  He said he knew I'd never really mace him.  Lucky me that he has a sense of humor, right?!

5.  Paul did a gear race that he does every year, and placed second.  He won a kayak!  Can't wait to try it out in the near future.  I have never been kayaking - just canoeing.

Readers, have you ever won anything big?

Hope everyone has a fun, safe, and mace-free Halloween tomorrow!

Linked today with Willy Nilly Friday


  1. I tazed my 70 year old mother with a supposedly inert cattle prod once at an MFA booth. Luckily it was pretty much 99% inert so she didn't flop around like a fish or anything.

    Kayaking is great, much much better than canoes. Dated a woman for a while and we kayaked every weekend somewhere. We used to call canoes "divorce boats" :)

  2. Some friends had a bunch of company and called a food truck to their home rather than cook.I always get hungry even if I eat before going to things like this.

  3. Sounds like a fun day! I've never been kayaking or canoeing, but would love to try both. I'd also like to try the board paddling...I don't know what you call it, but you stand on the board and paddle around...I think that would be fun!

  4. #1 Good to have a bell ringer around.
    #2 Cort and Reid sound "grounded."
    #3 It better than been a big grilled cheese sandwich.
    #4 And to think that I've lived all these years without mace.
    #5 Good for him.

    Did I ever win anything big? Yes, my wife 47 years ago!

  5. I have never won anything big, but have one or two small items. It is awful the prices they charge at some things for sandwiches and drink....and a lot of times the sandwich is barely edible.

  6. I stay away from food trucks because of the prices. It wasn't bad in Richmond where there was a ton of them and they had to compete, they often have better food than a sit down place.
    I went to an auction near Stuart once and won about 40 55 gallon barrels full of glass insulators for $14. I was happy until I realized how heavy they were and the barrels were rusted out. Had to move them all by hand and since most were common ones, they had to be hauled to dumpsters. Now you know why I have them on electric fences and stuck around everywhere. I gave a small dump truck load of them away, it was like having tribbles

  7. Kayaks are so much fun! Especially the long sea kayaks.

  8. Good for Pierce! Awesome.

    And, good for Paul being a good sport. Winning a kayak? A wonderful prize; I hope you'll enjoy! :)


  9. Sounds like a fun event for everyone.

    Yes, food trucks are expensive. They have extra inspections and permits that they have to acquire to be able to sell. Also, they have expensive equipment in that thing, plus the maintenance. You are also paying for the convenience. We pack lunches for those sorts of events, including the car show.

    I've never won anything big like a kayak, but that sure is exciting! Did you have to figure out how to get it home or did they just give you a credit at the local outdoors store?

  10. A kayak!!!that will be fun!I am wanting to do that so bad. I have been canoeing. We did win something kinda big once. Several years ago DH got a lottery ticket. We won 1750.00. Quiet the surprise :O)

  11. Loved reading about your funfest and all the activities. Yes, I have won something big. It was back in the mid '50s, I had small children and no washing machine. I won a laundramat Washing machine. Yippee. I started to tell all about it but decided it would make a great post on my blog. oh well.

  12. congrats on the kayak and the surprise spray! :)

  13. Yes I did once. The envelope said I had won one of three prizes. A new house in the Florida Keys. 2 a yacht. 3. A package of Marigold seeds.... They were quite pretty latter than summer....:(

  14. The GoFest looks awesome! Such wonderful events participated by your guys! And that practice mace...too funny that you used it later on you hubby! :-)

  15. That's funny about macing your husband. If my wife did that, she'd use the real thing.

    That's a hideous price for a cheese sandwich. You should have come back later and set fire to the food truck!

  16. Sounds like a fun time! The most I ever won was $250 on a "Shake-a-Day" roll of the dice - threw 6 sixes.

  17. Wow, that is one awesome wall to climb!
    Happy Halloween.

  18. I never won anything big, just small stuff. A kayak is a great prize!

  19. Food trucks are huge here. They do make attending our breweries much more tasty.

  20. I did one of those rock climbing wall things. I got to like the 5th rock, and chickened out. I'm so not into heights.

    I won two things just today. They were small things, but every little bit counts. One is for gourmet pumpkin seeds. Whenever food is involved my family is happy.

  21. that mace story is cute. laughable ( ;

  22. You two win the best prizes!

  23. ...And you go to amazing places. Pierce is brave! Relief for Paul from the false mace by Lisa..too funny! :)

  24. My sister in law runs a kayak on her own and she loves it. I've been canoeing, but not kayaking. There's always alligators in the water though, so I haven't done it for years (though many people still do).

  25. ha, we did the grilled cheese truck last year and you are right, it was costly, and not even that great! we like bruno's (i think that's what it's called) angry tots! lol'ing about the "mace" and how awesome to win a kayak! christian is working at gander mountain and said they are all really marked down and he wants to buy one!

  26. Food trucks are getting a big head these days!! So nice that the boys all had fun. So funny with the play mace.
    I love kayaking!!!


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