Monday, November 9, 2015

Winter Squash Storage

By the end of September, my garden was completely crawling in squash bugs again.  Luckily, I was ready to harvest all my winter squash.  Cushaw, butternut, and blue hubbard.  The blue hubbard is certainly a new favorite, and supposedly it stores very well over the winter.

I 'borrowed' some space on the massive wine rack Paul built to house all the wines he makes. 
The cushaw squash will spoil the fastest, so we'll be eating those first.  I've been checking them every few days to make sure nothing is going bad.  So far, so good.

Readers, how are you storing your vegetables in the winter?


  1. Well I just put them in a wheelbarrow and rolled them in the cellar, same with the sweet potatoes. They seem to like being off the floor where air can dry the shells out. The problem is that I need the wheelbarrows for wood now that it is getting cooler. I need a huge wine rack it seems but I will have to make something similar as I doubt one will suddenly appear.

  2. Nothing "stores" down in southwest Louisiana. Even my birdseed in my bird feeders gets moldy! Thank goodness for great super markets! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  3. Great idea, I have heard washing them with a light bleach solution

  4. Those delicious butternuts make me wish I hadn't retired from vegetable gardening...:)

  5. What a clever idea to store them....and they are just lovely! me? Store stuff for winter? Well.....we don't have winter, so.....

  6. Hi Lisa, Nice to catch up with you this a.m. I've been away from blogging for a while. You are smart to store the lovely squash. Hope you have great success. Have a good Monday.

  7. That's great that you'll have fresh veggies for a while yet. We didn't grow anything this year. Thanks to the kindness of my co-workers, I was able to enjoy some fresh peas, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Yum!

  8. Right now they are laying on the floor in the kitchen. I should make room on the shelves downstairs where we have our canned goods. My aunt brought over a few butternut squashes for us this weekend.

  9. Seeing as how I don't have a garden, I have no answer. :)

    I love squash any way it's cooked.


  10. Storing them? my stomach. :)

  11. I store my butternut squash much the same....on a shelving unit in the laundry room. They last all winter.

  12. Reminds me of some Thanksgiving goodies I predict you'll be baking! ;)

  13. I've never grown squash and I've never heard of squash bugs either. Your squash look amazingly delicious and huge! :)

  14. It would be fun to try all those different squashes.
    Some weird bugs we never had before are creeping into our pumphouse for the winter,,, them and the ladybugs!

  15. Ha ha! The sum total of veggies I got from my garden was one squash! It wasn't even a big one. I ate it.

  16. now, when i walk through a produce section, i stop and admire the squash . . . life is better - because of you.

  17. How wonderful to have the fresh squashes. Enjoy eating them!


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