Friday, January 1, 2016

Christmas Jam

Happy New Year!  I have a couple of year recap posts coming up, but for now, I hope everyone is off to a great start for 2016.

This year for teacher gifts I made a Christmas Jam.  I had copied the recipe out of a cookbook I checked out of the library last spring.  It's a miracle I remembered it when it came time to make teacher gifts.  The jam has strawberries and cranberries in it.  Along with some mini loaves of homemade bread, I thought they made cute little gifts.

Readers, did you give or receive any unique homemade gifts this year?


  1. I just made some cranberry jam...I like it!

  2. I had a collection of teacher gifts, finally shared them with others.Lots of apple stuff it seemed. Happy New Year

  3. I didn't receive any myself this year. Mrs.PP did as my mother made her a huge quilt with our own hand spun batting (sp?) and such. I gave a lot fo honey as presents though.

  4. Lucky teachers! Happy New Year to you all..;

  5. Looks delicious, nice presentation! Enjoy your new year!

  6. Looks yummy! Jam and bread is also what I gave out for X-mas this year too! :)

  7. Very cute gifts!!! I'm sure the teachers loved them!

  8. Ooooh, Blissful teachers . . . what a terrific gift!!!

  9. How wonderful and I know the teachers loved their gifts. I made jam once. LOL

    Happy New Year, Lisa and family. I wish only the best for you all.


  10. Very sweet! Always nice to get special gifts like the jam and bread you gave to teachers. I bet they were very happy. :)

  11. Those do sound like really nice gifts! My only homemade gift this year was a scarf from my aunt. It has definitely kept my neck warm in this new cold climate!

  12. Of course I made little Christmas gifts and yes, received lovely ones as well but after reading what went into your jam, I sure wish I was a teacher!! Happy New Year, Baby Girl!...:)JP

  13. What a great gift. I bet the teachers really appreciated them! I use to make cookies and take them to all my neighbors. Haven't made anything lately as a gift. My one friend from bowling makes candied pecans each year and I love them.....

  14. Very thoughtful gifts for the teachers. I didn't make anything this year.

  15. This is a very thoughtful gift for teachers, or anyone Lisa! I can't compete with this great idea. Happy New Year! :)

  16. Those were the coolest gifts ever!

  17. I made the wrapping paper, a washer necklace for 1 of my nephews, lip balm with Isaak, wake up spray with Mica, and my husband made a flyer from Star Wars from a dollar for another nephew.

  18. Great idea! No homemade gifts this year. Last year my daughter gave us ceramic mugs that she made in a class.

  19. That is a cute idea to give bread and jam as gifts. I bet everyone loved it.


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