Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sugar on Snow

One afternoon after the big snowstorm, my mom posted instructions on Facebook for making sugar on snow.  You may recall when Laura and Mary made this in Little House in the Big Woods.

It couldn't be any easier.  You pour pure maple syrup in a pan and heat it to 234*. 

Then you take the syrup and pour bits of it onto fresh snow.  Eat right away and it has a taffy consistency to it.
The boys loved it so much, and immediately begged to make more.  With the cost of maple syrup lately, we won't be making too much of this, but it is a nice special treat in a snow storm!


  1. I used to love that! The kidling not so much.

  2. Never heard of that one. The most exotic we ever dared was snow ice creme.

  3. I'd like to have tried this, I once had a Maple tree that was very generous with her syrup, we also had lots of snow but had no idea one could do this, too bad.

  4. I remember making this as a kid, but didn't remember how we did it, so thanks for the reminder! :) We probably used regular pancake syrup, but maple syrup sounds delicious. Too bad it's so expensive, even from Costco!

  5. Oh how I loved that book (and TV!) series when I was young. Still do!

    You reminded me of a christmas story where Ma was so ecstatic to get four sweet potatoes for christmas.. it was such a treat!

  6. I remember Laura and Mary jmaking that in Little House in the Big Woods. :-) I loooooovvvve maple syrup--could probably drink a bottle of it. lol I'm surprised that the syrup has to be heated so high.

  7. Wonder if you can do something similar with honey?

  8. I'm reading Pioneer Girl right now. The original unedited version of those cherished books.

  9. Now there's a treat I'll never get to try out in Florida. Sounds awesome! I actually heard someone else rambling on about it a few weeks ago and was curious, so thank you for answering my unasked question!

  10. Oh wow - did you ever take me back many years, Lisa. When we lived in Washington state, my oldest brother and I decided to make snow ice cream; Mom caught us trying to turn on the stove with our snow and sugar. We were 5 and 6. Thank you for the memory, and what a treat for your boys. :)


  11. My girls always enjoyed making recipes from the books we read.

  12. i do think i remember that in their story. :)

  13. Oh wow! I remember reading about that in Little House on the Prairies

  14. yum lace candy, try to trickle it slow and it makes interesting shapes

  15. I remember reading that in the book(s). What a great treat for your boys.

  16. I read the series as a young adult and loved them!

  17. I have never heard of this before but what a fun and tasty treat.

  18. Oh my goodness- how fun! I remember having something just like this when I was kid and I thought it was the coolest thing. I felt just like Half Pint. :)

  19. I should try this. It looks fun to do.

  20. What a wonderful idea... I just shared this idea with someone else who is entertaining their grandchildren... Thanks for sharing, Lisa.


  21. I've never heard of it. That is really cool though!

  22. Life is so much more fun when you have little ones around.

  23. I wonder if you could do the same thing with honey or agave?


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