Monday, February 22, 2016

The Redeeming Qualities of Basketball

It's no secret that I'm not big into sports (to the great and everlasting disappointment of my parents).  But I do try to support my boys when they play.  Paul and I don't exactly have super athletic genes to pass on, but we like for our kids to pursue their individual interests.  This year, Cort decided to play basketball. 

Basketball is definitely not one of my interests.  But I supported Cort and got him signed up.  His team is not very good, and if they were keeping score (which they don't for 5 and 6 year olds), his team would have lost every game so far.  The good part about not really liking a sport is that you don't care one way or another if your kid's team wins - you just want him to have fun playing. 

Even though I don't care for basketball, and Cort has never made a single game shot, I've found that I enjoy the games.  This was surprising to me.  But the games are kind of funny.  The kids are all so tiny, and sometimes have no idea what to do.  Other times, the boys and girls (it's a coed team) are hilarious in their blocking of the other team - it's like some crazy chicken dance that they do around one another. 

By far the best part of the game is the community.  The games take place in an older school in the county seat.  You know the type - cracked, worn floors and tarnished, dark halls.  We live in such a rural county that often grandparents and neighbors and friends show up to cheer for these kindergartners and first graders for the full forty-five minutes of a game.  Paul and I often cross paths with someone we know from the other team, and enjoy catching up with them briefly.  If any single kid gets a goal, it's often the parents/grandparents/friends/neighbors from both teams who let up a huge cheer, and it makes me smile every time. 

Without a doubt, I love these mountains and I love the sense of community at these tiny basketball games, stuffed with full bleachers.  Basketball?  Maybe it's not so terrible after all. 


  1. Or perhaps your parents were extremely proud of their young equestrian daughter who spent every spare moment training her faithful horse and took many ribbons in hunt seat events. I don't think any sport could be more demanding than competition on horseback. Unless it is running marathons.....don't you do that? And aren't you married to that guy who biked 75 miles to my house? You and Paul are positively loaded with athletic genes, along with many other wonderful other qualities to pass on to the Workman brothers. Don't sell yourself short :-)

  2. My oldest son played basketball. Very exciting and best of's indoors! No freezing or getting soaked in cold rain.

  3. My favorite was the t-ball games. One time a local Labrador stole the t-ball and ran away with it with both teams running after him.

    I laughed so hard I fell off the bleacher seat.

  4. oh my goodness i love this photo!! all my boys have played sports since they were 4/5 (football and baseball) and ashlyn played softball for years...i had no interest in basketball so i never bothered signing anyone up and they never asked but then when braden and dalton were in about 3rd grade they said they wanted to play basketball and it has become one of their favorite sports, right behind football and surprising to me i find it exciting to is so fast paced! oh the younger kids are so fun to watch!

  5. This photo is outstanding, Lisa. I love it.

    Basketball runs deep in our family, and about the only sport I really enjoy watching.

    I think, since you're a runner, you may have passed that gene to Cort. After all, if he keeps playing he'll be doing a lot of it.


  6. Wow! I played on one of these types of teams. We lost a lot, and out name was unique: "Cats". But we never had coed. This is so good for the kiddos to learn teamwork. Fun! :)

  7. Basketball is my favorite sport! I played in high school, but I rode the bench most of the time. I am definitely NOT athletic. Disappointed my mom, because she had been the "basketball star" in high school. I've enjoyed watching college basketball since I was a teen. Virginia is my favorite team. Larry usually cheers for them, too, unless they're playing Virginia Tech. Then, well . . . things get tense. LOL

  8. It sounds pretty perfect to me and a great place to raise your boys!

  9. Such a great capture, the sepia tone is very special. I've never been a big fan of sports either, unless it's close to home (within our family) then it's game on!

  10. Small town living, it's truly a heartwarming existence. My kids both played basketball into the AAU level... where it can get ugly. Parents, not the kids. I was never a bball fan until my kids started playing, and then I really enjoyed it and learned the game.

    And you are an athlete for sure.. you are a runner! That takes some skill.

  11. Maybe you have found a new niche. some of my best games were played in a driveway with a hoop on the garage. Iowa is famous for it's girls basketball.

  12. I remember watching the basketball games. My son played at this age and they're so cute running up and down the court! Having fun is all that matters. :) Adorable pic!

  13. You need to learn to appreciate certain sports that your kids participate those in controlled climates! There is no suffering like that of a cold rainy ballgame, or soccer in the dreadful heat of the summer sun.

  14. I think it's good to play games or sport with our family... Sport is a healthy activity.

  15. I do agree with you, Lisa. Am not any good with sport but try to emulate what you are doing. Its good that the kids have some interest in sports

  16. You had me laughing this morning the picture you paint :-) is delightful.

  17. I can just picture the chicken dance. I love small town school events. The whole town usually comes out to support all activities.

  18. Isaak loves basketball. I feel bad because he's missed 2 practices. Last week his best friend had a birthday party that went through his practice. I said, "Well he hasn't missed a practice yet. Missing one won't hurt." Then this week he had strep throat.

  19. Dylan is playing basketball right now. I didn't think I would enjoy it, but surprisingly, it's really entertaining! He loves it, too!

  20. I can't imagine the little kids even liking BBL at that size! I've taught gym from JK to gr. 8 and we mostly would play at the age!!!

  21. That's nice that both sides are cheering. I've found myself doing the same, but it's not so acceptable here. ;)

  22. Your rugrat basketball sounds so much like our experience. I loved this post, it brought back all the great community memories from the crazy action on the court to the camaraderie in the bleachers.

  23. Lewie has shown no interest in basketball just yet, but it's a good way for children to learn coordination and how to rely on a team. I'm afraid he may have inherited my skills and personality, which is to say that I have no coordination and no desire to work hard to beat another team. Still, like you say, it certainly brings a sense of pride, belonging, and community.


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