Friday, February 12, 2016

We Have Eggs Again

Last July we ordered chicks, and we have waited a long time for fresh eggs.  All it took was a big blizzard to get our hens to start laying. 
I can definitely taste the difference.  Pierce isn't as thrilled as the rest of us - he is the one person in the family that isn't an egg fan (which is weird, as he used to eat them).  Hopefully his tastes will change, because we're going to be eating a lot more eggs in the future!

Readers, how do you like your eggs?


  1. Fresh eggs from our own chickens taste very different from store bought ones. We used to keep some chickens but now no more. Have a great weekend!

  2. We started getting more after the snow. Some are still small though. It is staying light a lot longer which might help.

  3. I did not realize ya'll had been egg-less for a while. Glad the snow got 'em goin.

  4. It might be a texture issue for Pierce; I know it can be for me. Enjoy your eggs!

  5. Nice!!! Eggs!!

    We still consistently get about 9 or 10 a day although the bitter cold did make em drop off a bit. I am hoping one or two of the hens go broody this Spring so I guess I like my eggs HATCHED!!!

  6. I love eggs and fresh eggs are the best. Glad you are getting more eggs now! I hope Pierce finds some egg recipes he likes. :)

  7. Once we finally get settled, we are buying some adult hens to start with. (I'm too lazy to grow them from chicks. I want eggs NOW!)

  8. When I was little, we had fresh eggs on the farm. I like scrambled eggs the most, but I will eat them fixed any way. Scrambled eggs was the first thing I learned to cook. :-)

  9. My favorite way - a birds nest...which you call a toad in the hole, I believe.. with sliced avocado and a slice of cheese on top, melted a little.

  10. i don't like eggs either. if i eat them (never) they have to be cooked well done!

  11. Hi Lisa, Happy Valentine's Day Weekend to you guys. How nice to have fresh eggs! I love eggs any way. A few months ago on facebook, I saw where you can bake eggs in a cupcake tin in the oven. Maybe the novelty of that would interest Pierce.

  12. When I was carrying my daughter, I craved scrambled eggs. So much so, I'd go to be early anticipating those eggs.

    These days, I still like them scrambled with cheese in the middle, like a messy omelet. :)

    Happy Valentines to you and your guys.

  13. Those are very nice looking eggs!

  14. Olá Lisa; belos ovos...Espectacular....

  15. Too cold here I believe, may have to check around the coop.

  16. Hooray for eggs!!! I like my eggs over easy but scrambled is great too. Actually I recently sauteed spinach, then made scrambled eggs with it and it was so delicious.

  17. Our chickens have been on a break....just this week we had a surprise egg. So, I hope more come along this week! lol We love fresh eggs. They taste so much better than store bought. Usually it is scrambled for us.

  18. this is so cool! I like fried, scrambled or hot boiled eggs with salt...yummm. I will eat chilled deviled eggs once in a while.

  19. I like my eggs as an ingredient in brownies!

  20. I love fresh eggs and they really do taste better than store bought. Hard to find them around here unless you raise your own chickens, which I just don't know if I want to do that again. Happy Valentine's day to you and your boys!

  21. That's awesome! I keep telling my husband that we need to get chickens. We go through so many eggs!

  22. Mica's the one person in our house that doesn't like them. He still has to eat them though. They are an easy protein for the morning time.

  23. I would so love chicken, but hubby has a food intolerance. We buy 6 at a time. I enjoy every one!!!

  24. I have a quiche recipe that I love. It has cheese in it though and I can't really eat it but it was the best tasting quiche I have ever eaten

  25. fresh eggs from the chicken are really something :). Both of my kids always enjoy eggs..regardless what you do to it :)


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