Monday, February 29, 2016

Who Needs CDs?

My parents always send the boys $5 each for Valentines.  Last year they used the money to go out to eat for lunch one day.  This year, Pierce dragged our old record player up from the basement, and announced that he wanted to buy some records.  He was particularly interested in classical music.
We went to a couple of thrift stores.  You can get a lot of records for $5.  They run about 50 cents each, and the 45s are 35 cents.  We've enjoyed listening to them.

Readers, did you listen to records as a kid?  Did you have a favorite?


  1. I had a nice record player from Radio Shack that I listened to until about 1995. When I sold my house in 2010 I had about 200 LP's for sale and sold them all in the first hour of the yard sale. Amazing that in my Sansa clip I can hold 20times that much music in the palm of my hand.

  2. How cool! Did you know he had an interest in classical music? I listened to records and 8 tracks, then cassettes. I can't tell you how many times I listened to my John Denver album. :-)

  3. They had records at the rescue mission for 10 cents at one time but the place has become kind of trashy so I haven't been there in a while. He probably has trouble at school getting everyone to understand what a record is, ha! Well maybe it isn't that bad.

  4. I still listen to a few when my grandkids come over. I have one who likes to dance so any music is fun.He would find my cassette collection interesting,hard to find players.

  5. That is nothing short of awesome - good for Pierce! Sure wish I still had mine. :)


  6. What a wonderful young man your Pierce is there is nothing so special as listening to the scratching sounds of a record. My parents and grandparents always had a record player or a gramophone going. Jazz 30's and 40's music reminds me of them. I have a few hard rock from my youth:) Hugs B

  7. Yes our house always had something playing on the record player. When I was small my favourite was a record of my parents 'the shrimps boats are a-coming' then I loved my Dad's harry belafonte and jazz collection, my Mom's opera's...such a sweet shot of Piecre, handsommmmmmmmmmmmme!

  8. I think my brother still has a turn table and all my old records along with the ones he had too. Been along time since I thought about them.

  9. I used to LOVE records. Fun that you still have a player!

  10. I had a record player early in life and loved listening to music. My uncle still listens to his records.
    so cool for your son!


  11. My mom had a record player and I especially loved the "colored" 45s.... As for the groups... Abba was one of my favorites.

  12. I didn't have one, but my neighbor had a little turntable similar to the one your son has. He also had every 45 Elvis ever made. Lots of hours were spent on the porch, dancing to the music.

  13. Oh, yes!!! I was - (and still am) - kinda walking music. Classical is STILL my favorite - but I expanded into many musical expressions. I'm happy to know music is affordable . . . happy day to you!

  14. Yay for Pierce!!! How fun for him!
    Yes,,, 45's were the favortites,,and of course many 33's.

    We had some old 78's that we donated to different places..

    But,, just yesterday we went across town to get a replacement needle for a Curtis Mathis turn table.. A needle was finally located.
    Favorites ,, are,,,, John Denver,,, and BJ Thomas as far as old records go.
    We have a huge collection of 45's from the 60's!!!

  15. yes, often... i loved our records. to me they sounded even better than some cds & tapes? my Dad still has a record player, i think it needs work though. i had heard on the Sunday Monday news show i love, i think it is CBS ... they were talking about lots of record places picking up business and records are being bought more often these days. i think that is so exciting!! what great news. ( :

  16. Good for Pierce! My family did not have a record player when I was young but a friend of mine had one when we were pre-teens. Seems like I remember listening to The Archies and BJ Thomas. In college, I was a piano major. One of our assignments was to listen to classical music and write down all the different instruments we could "hear." My husband owned an electronic repair shop after he returned from serving in Korea. Even now, he still loves looking at old record players, radios etc. in thrift stores/garage sales.

  17. Records are GREAT! We used to listen to records in the basement as kids. CRANKED the volume...then turned the speed up or down to make us laugh.

    I love your kids. I like that they are always coming up with fun stuff to do outside of electronics.

  18. Classical music? Bless his heart!

  19. I remembered we used to have a record player in the house and also lots of records. I don't know where they all have gone to...

  20. How cute. I had a Kermit the Frog record player growing up. I played all of my favorite songs from the 80's and still have them. I don't think I have the record player anymore, but I'd love to find one. What a great part of history to share with your kids. Those were the days...

  21. Hi there - your boys never cease to amaze me! I've been away so long from blogging that I almost forgot how - long story. Hope you're still a follower!!

  22. That is so cool! I like that he is doing that. We have a pretty large collection of record albums from our younger years.

  23. Oh, absolutely! With all of my posts on Vinyl? You bet. I like the Tom & Jerry shirt and Classical music combination. Cool. :)

  24. I love playing records as well. Its exquisite sound is very unique indeed

  25. You know we are enjoying this also. It is so much fun to listen to the oldies but goodies on vinyl. Fun throw back!


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