Friday, March 25, 2016


I've tried to plant blueberries a few times.  The little bushes always disappear instead of growing.  I don't know if something eats them or what.  Usually every summer we go visit my aunt and uncle to pick their blueberries, since I can't seem to grow them myself.

Nevertheless, when a neighbor offered us some starter blueberry bushes from his I jumped on them.  We planted them along the driveway on a hill back in February.  I'm hopeful that since they are already used to the terrain and soil in our area, they will fare better than the ones I have bought from the store.

Readers, do you have much luck planting berries?


  1. My son and I planted a blueberry bush last spring and the leaves promptly fell off. I found out they were acid-loving and added some acid fertilizer over winter and now our little bush is growing pretty well. I think rabbits really like them as they chewed the stems this winter.

  2. Looks like a good spot for them and you can keep an eye on them and at least see what is going on.

  3. No luck with blueberries here.We have managed to get a bush to survive at most a year or two but they never thrive and usually just slowly die.

  4. We don't have any but Larry's cousin has blueberry bushes on their farm south of us. I hope these new ones will flourish for you.

  5. I would have to amend the soil too much.I would love to have them, I use a lot.Made a lemon cake with them yesterday.

  6. They need a vet acidic soil to grow well. Try adding sulphur once or twice a year, and replanting in peat moss and pine bark.

  7. No luck here either with planting berry producing shrubs, but will keep on having a go!

  8. Your yard looks so pretty! I hope the blueberries work for y'all.


  9. Enjoy them! What a pretty view of the fence and area around it!

  10. I planted two apple trees last year. I noticed Bambi had trimmed it. sigh. I'm not sure I could keep blueberries, either! We have a ton of wild raspberries, though! (And lots of organic farms near!)

  11. Hope they work out for you. I just bought some blueberries in the store yesterday. We do not do much planting but I will have a tomato plant.

  12. No experience. But I like that you;re starting to get some feedback on what to possibly include.

  13. I tried growing them, but no luck. I hope yours do well!

  14. The deer woyld always eat ours. Every once in awhile though we would get lucky. Good luck with yours!

  15. I think the deer eat them. I've watched deer eat a rose bush!

  16. I hope you will be lucky with your blueberries bushes

  17. I have two that survived the last couple years and I hope to find berries this year. I need to plant a couple more for that to happen, though.

  18. Deer could be eating them. Try taking hair from your hair brushed and plant that all around the blue berry beds. They don't like the smell of you, it should keep them away.

  19. The deer love them, around here. But I don't think they eat the whole bush. Hope you figure it out. I've been enjoying your blog!

  20. I have no luck planting blueberries as the weather here is no suited for it

  21. I tried once and they didn't like me either. :) Hopefully this batch will work out for you and your family. YUM

  22. Oh I LOVE blueberries! Good luck with your new plantings; I definitely think these new ones will grow since they're used to your terrain!

  23. I hope you have good luck with these bushes.


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