Monday, March 28, 2016

Fire Starting

When I was a kid, I can remember my dad trying to start a fire with a magnifying glass, not expecting it to work, and causing the carpet to start smoking. 

When we were up on our mountain a few weeks ago, I discovered Pierce trying to start a fire with his glasses. 

I think the sun was at a wrong angle.  Paul came over to help.  All the boys were interested in this fire starting business.

In the end, a lighter started a fire in our fire pit very nicely.  Maybe we'll try the glasses trick again when the sun is overhead.

Readers, have you ever started a fire in an unusual way?


  1. Good Morning, Lisa. Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend.
    I remember John trying the magnifying glass once, with no success, to light a fire.
    This is a great photo of your boys.
    I posted for the first time in months if you get a chance to stop by.
    Wishing each of you a very nice week.

  2. I have a big magnifying lens for visually impaired folks that is left over from our office fire. It's like a laser beam and can incinerate anything. It's so bright it can damage your vision, so, not really very practical.

  3. We used to start them in elementary school with magnifying glasses, it wasn't a big deal then but probably terrorism now. All kinds of way to start a fire, he could try the 9v battery and aluminum foil or the old wood bow method. Probably not something you want to do on your mountain after last week!

  4. Boys Love fire. It's a rule they must be started in every way possible at least once.

  5. HTH and pine oil are combustible when put together.Used to clean outhouses, the HTH chlorine in the urinal side. A friend put both in and came back to the charred remains the following Monday.We used it in later times to start a bonfire magically at the same camp.

  6. I remember my kids trying to do that... Not sure they ever got it work. You and your hubby do such an awesome job raising those boys... Always reminds me of the times when mine were young --and learning SO much about life, nature, etc.....


  7. What a fabulous family photo!!! I remember we used to try lighting a fire when camping, it never worked, our parents didn't correct our methods :-).

  8. Boys (and girls) love fire. My son and grandson do. Just stopping by and saying hello. Hope you had a great Easter.

  9. I have not, but I do love a fire in our fireplace on a chilly evening. I remember trying when I was a child to start a fire with a leaf pile and a magnifying glass... didn't work.. thankfully!

  10. No--I've always tended to stay away from fire! :-) But being able to create a fire from a magnifying glass or eyeglasses is a good survival skill to have.

  11. No we have not,, but its something we always wanted to do!

  12. Very nice images, and the last one is my favourite.

  13. That was a great picture of your boys enjoying themselves and learning new things with their dad. I have never tried to start a fire the unusual way.

  14. Using magnifying glass and paper on the sunny day. An interesting experience.

  15. When we went camping a few years back, they had a kind of show and tell on different ways to start fires. It was very interesting!

    Great photo :)

  16. Oh yes, we all practice lighting a fire with a fire steel, a Fresnel lens, and a Blast Match. Great fun!

  17. I would like to take a survival class--you know, where you learn about starting fires with a bow starter and you make a little lean-to and stuff.

    Sounds like a fun day. I hope they learn to start the fire with the glasses. I will be waiting to hear that they succeeded!

  18. Well, I started a fire in the microwave but it wasn't on purpose.

  19. I haven't, but that's fun that your husband jumped right in to help him try!

  20. No, but I got in trouble for lighting sparklers in the basement! :) :)!

  21. My husband has a way that the Native American's used. He's pretty good at it.

  22. My younger brother and I used to burn paper with a magnifying glass on Granny's front steps. I don't think we ever started a fire but we loved burning holes in white notebook paper.

  23. Too cool! I never tried starting a fire with a magnifying glass, but maybe we'll learn this trick in Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts!


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