Friday, March 11, 2016

I Planted some Seeds

This week temps hit the 70s and I couldn't wait any longer.  I just had to get some seeds in the ground.  I usually wait until the third week of March to plant anything, so I hope it isn't too early.
I put in kale, peas, beets, turnips, salsify (I heard about this on a podcast, and it's a perennial, so if it takes we'll enjoy it year after year.  Popular in England, you can eat the roots and the flowers), rhubarb, and spinach. 

The soil in the garden looks pretty decent after the additions we put in this winter.  I have a lot more to plant, but the rest will wait until April.  I do plan to start some tomato seeds indoors.  And hopefully we will get a new plot tilled for the squash. 

Readers, did you get any spring temps this week?


  1. You should be good with the temperature as long as it is a sunny area. The fields had some kind of peas planted last fall with the cover grass and they have hung on all winter.

  2. I have been trout fishing the last two days. It was cold yesterday morning, but the fish liked it.I ate my heart out yesterday, and slept good in the cold evening. I was in a t shirt through part of the day.all my seeds are indoors.

  3. Well, you have me heading off to Google to check out salsify. It is true you learn something new every day. Oh, gardening sounds like fun. Hug B

  4. You are far braver than I, it will be a month before I even begin putting in lettuce and peas!

  5. March used to always be risky for cold snaps catching early sprouting plants but I think this year may be different. The forecasters are saying it will be warm through March. Of course it has snowed in April.....

  6. it will be fun to see your progress shots, we love salsify, happy weekend gardening.

  7. Oh, yes, we've been so warm this week--have been using the AC in my car. We want to get some things planted soon, too. It can still get cold, but I don't think it's too early. A co-worker of mine has already put in some lettuce.

  8. Wonderful, good luck! Cute boots too.

  9. Oh how fun!! We are now having rain and hope to have 80's next week. I am ready to play in my dirt, what little in have in the city.

  10. Hope it all grows and it's yummy! Happy weekend to you!

  11. Good for you!!!!

    Not much planting going on here this year either it looks like....

    Fence must come first!!!

  12. YAY!!! Had to look up salsify, though. And now I want PIZZA, too! Have a great weekend! Aloha

  13. I have a Southern cookbook that mentions salsify. Though I haven't grown or tasted it. Love the beets and kale. Have you ever grown Kohlrabi? A cross between a cabbage and a turnip. Tasty.

  14. I will start seeds indoors this weekend. Too sketchy out there in our neck of the woods. I have to look up salsify.

  15. Yes ma'am it has been beautiful here. No planting done yet though. I wish you much success, Lisa. You're such a smart young lady. :)

  16. We are at the Cascade foothills.,, so its cooler here.
    We just keep getting rain.. and temps in the 40's.
    You have a nice head start.

  17. I hope it's not too early for you too! Good luck with them, I know you're so good about using everything you grow so I hope you get a big lot!

  18. Any plans for planting have been delayed due to all the rain. I now have to go find this salsify- you always have something new for me to investigate!

  19. Yes, it was beautiful this week! Today it's raining though.

  20. I hope it isn't too early to start planting also. I can't wait to start

  21. Oh my God, yes. We had 80 degree temps here in Arizona last month. Our triple digit temps begin the second week of May.

  22. Yep it's been spring like in Nebraska. I even have flowers blooming on a Magnolia Tree that has never bloomed before.

  23. Good luck! This weather has sure been tempting. I'm ready for spring!


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