Monday, March 21, 2016

Odyssey of the Mind, Year 3

This was Pierce's third year competing in Odyssey of the Mind.  He had a different team this year, and a different coach.  Pierce was the only male on his team, and he was the youngest.  Pierce had a really fun team and an excellent coach.  The problem they chose was called "Fur, Fins and Feathers" and they did a skit involving animals and emotions.  There were 16 teams competing in this category for the Piedmont Regional competition. 
To the left of the picture is Pierce before his skit (he was a zookeeper) and to the right was the interminable wait for the awards ceremony at the end of the day (they were trying to entertain the kids and had them all doing the hokie pokie for so long I think it could've been in Guinness for longest hokie pokie ever). 

Their team took second place!  They were so thrilled.  The girls were all planning what they would wear on Monday with their medals.  Pierce, sadly, doesn't have any skinny jeans, but he did wear his usual jeans with his medal. 


  1. Congratulations Pierce! This sounds like fun! A couple of our friends' kids were involved in this here...and their team took second place too!

  2. Congrats to Pierce and his team! Skinny jeans are overrated.....

  3. Congratulations to Pierce! That's awesome! Sounds like he had fun too. :-)

    Our school district made cuts in the Odyssey program here--much smaller than it used to be. The Board of Supervisors don't properly fund the schools--in my opinion.

  4. Fabulous - congratulations to Pierce and his team!

    My youngest (now almost 20) granddaughter participated in Odyssey for three years here in Raleigh and it was such a great time. I assisted some, and traveled to locations when competition time arrived - so much talent and a LOT of hard work!

    Happy Spring Lisa.
    Hugs - Mary

  5. Always sounds fun, especially the hokie pokie, I have the 45rpm

  6. That sounds like a wonderful event. Way to go Pierce....congratulations!

  7. How wonderful! Pierce has a lot to be smiling about, and so cute. :)

  8. Congrats to Pierce! That sounds like so much fun!

  9. Congratulations and seems like loads of fun. Greetings!

  10. Congratulations Pierce! Well done! A fun event sounds like.

  11. Sounds like good fun! Like Pierce, I don't have skinny jeans either, just regular jeans like Steve McQueen would wear! ;)

  12. Woo hoo! Congratulations to Pierce!

  13. It sounded like a lot of fun!
    Pierce is sooo cute!

  14. Big congrats to him. That is awesome!


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