Monday, March 14, 2016

Reading. Always.

I don't understand when people don't read.  I can't imagine not caring about reading.  Not getting new books and being excited to discover what lies within the pages.  I can't walk past a book shelf without stopping to run my fingers along the spines, look over summaries on the back, and imagine where the book might take me.  What would it be like to see a random book lying on a table and....just not be curious about it?  I have no idea.

 There is never enough time in the day for all the books I want to read.  Even if I read a book a day for the rest of my life, there would still be books I missed. 

I read almost anything.  I do make an attempt to read at least one classic every year.  Aside from that, I read whatever sounds good.  Or whatever I read mentioned in another book.  Or whatever a friend or relative or the newspaper recommends. 

I read to the boys, too.  I read them my favorite books from childhood.  Books like The Pink Motel, From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, Key to the Treasure and Charlotte's Web. I never run out of books for them either.  I hope they will share my passion for reading.  I think they will.  Sometimes, at dinner, I tell them a synopsis of the book I'm reading.  Once in a while, they beg to know the ending.  I never tell them.  No spoilers in my house!

Readers, what are you reading besides blogs lately? I'm reading Madame Bovary right now, but by the time this publishes, I'll have moved on to something else. 


  1. Currently reading 'The Diary of a Georgian Shopkeeper', a gift from a friend in England. Interesting historic detail there. Re-reading 'All the Light We Cannot See'.

  2. I'm taking another whack at 'Ideas' by Edmund Husserl and for easy reading 'Hardfought' a short by Greg Bear. If I ever actually 'got' Husserl I'd pop out of this universe, or my head would pop...or both!

  3. As much as I love paper books, I am strapped for space here in my little apartment. So I have downloaded hundreds of free books from "Project Gutenberg" and other web sites and loaded many on my Kindle. Some still live on my computer as well. There are funny books by authors like P. G. Wodehouse and all of the "Anne of Green Gables" books. I have a whole section of histories and a ton of mysteries, my favorite. I have Dickens and Twain and a host of others. And old cookbooks. And genealogy reference books pertaining to my family history. I will never live long enough to read them all, but I will enjoy as many as I possibly can until then. :)

  4. When I was young I love books on suspense, thriller, etc. Now that I am older, I read less and slower.

  5. Before my Nook my son used to find my books in the fridge all the time. He would yell :Dad you left one in the fridge again". I read constantly and leave them setting around as I do so.

  6. I once read dozens of books a year but now I get done work and if I read it is because I am researching something. The last one that I looked at for fun was on the computer and was about union prisoners who escaped at Danville and came through town and near our house and from what I can tell went out your way and over the mountain to roanoke and freedom in WVA.
    Anyway I am kind of in a doing mode for the last few years and use reading to accomplish projects rather than entertainment I guess. I do have a lot of books waiting to be read.

  7. I just finished the book "Quitting Church" about why there are so many younger people leaving the church, it was fascinating! I haven't picked up a new book yet, but am currently reading the Mandie series with my kids - along with all of our homeschooling books. It was a series I loved reading when I was younger, and my kids are enjoying it as well!

  8. I'm reading Broken Prey, by John Sandford--almost finished. I almost didn't keep reading--I was finding it too dark. But it turned into a really good psychological study.

  9. Any day that I can, I read. In fact, on Friday I read all day and into the night. It was a Stuart Wood; an older one as I got it at the library. Every time I go, the librarian is like "weren't you just here?" LOL

    It's wonderful that you're reading to the boys, Lisa. :)


  10. Just started a new author, John Sandford. Wish you were closer and you could proof for me. LOL We always kept a continued book going with my kids.

  11. I didn't grow up with any reading going on in our home. I really didn't start reading until I was in my 30's. I love where reading takes you, I love buying books. I now get books from Amazon into the app on my phone/computer for next to nothing from Bookperks and for $0 from a Christian friend of mine who posts them a few times a week. Yet I sit here on my computer most days wasting time when I could be reading.....

  12. I am reading Carrying Albert Home by Homer Hickam. He's a wonderful storyteller and I love all the coalminer references, although this book takes place in the deep south for the most part.

  13. I read to keep myself busy sometimes... Not that I need to keep busy. It is so relaxing

  14. I have 3 books going on my Kindle right now...none of which are all that great. I LOVE a good book. I always hate when they end.

  15. Currently reading, The Feast Nearby. I cannot imagine not reading. I have always been a reader and hope to be able to do so as I age.

  16. I have been so busy with travel and writing magazine stories, that I am afraid I am a slacker--unlike this time last year. My academic adviser at Southern Methodist University moved from a home to a condo and faced the difficult task of liquidating thousands of beloved books from his years of teaching. He said that was not a pleasant process. Another friend in the Midwest says books are "like friends" to him.

  17. We like books as well, but non fiction, because since I started writing books myself I find myself too critical about how other authors write books, particularly novels.

  18. The book selves is so unique, interesting!

  19. I agree with you, it must be modeled! I have been telling my grandies a bedtime story I make up, I put it into a book format and printed 3 of them!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  20. looke like worth reading ,have a nice day

  21. I agree with you! What would I ever do without reading? I grew up in a family with no tv until I was in high school, and that's where I developed my love of books, I think. I read mostly for relaxation at this stage of life, so most of my choices are pretty easy reading...inspirational novels by various authors. Dee Henderson is one of my favorites right now.

  22. We read Little House on the Prairie series, and I have these extensive pop-up books that have classic tails. My Dad gave me a super old book, and I read stories out of there.

  23. my mommy is guilty!!!
    But everynite when we lay in bed,, she tells me a story about the forest.

  24. I love to read too. I especially love to read when the book is so good I can't stop. :)

  25. Oh my goodness. I loved From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler! I can't wait to read this book to my son! I miss reading too and admit that I don't do enough of it. I miss the lazy days of spending the entire day reading in bed or in my lounge chair outside. One day I'll get this time back!

  26. I just read a cute book about dogs and I'm working through one on shyness and another one on digestion. In the car I have an audiobook on Turning Points in American History. It's a college course so it'll keep me busy for a while.


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