Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ah, Spring!

I love Spring.  Everyday something new is blooming.  First it was the crocuses.  Then the red bud trees.  Then my tulips.  And then?  This stuff.  This stuff I planted last year that I don't remember what it is.

It's pretty though.  I planted it in my partial shade perennial garden by the house.  My brother, John, thinks it is viburnum.  Anyone know?  Anyone else plant stuff around the house and then forget what it is?


  1. I think we sell it at Lowes but I can't remember the name of the stuff that we sell. It is a part shade plant though. If you can't eat it then it falls into the weed category.

  2. I have all kinds of weird stuff around my house that the previous, apparently botanically gifted, owners have planted over the last 60 years. They seemed to like Japanese plants.

  3. Heh I am with Sunnybrook might be a weed :) Of course I tolerate the weeds more if the bees like em :)

  4. The leaves look sort of like a rhododendron, but not sure about the flowers. To answer your question...we moved to a different part of the state last year and I have flowers and shrubs coming up that the previous owners planted that I haven't a clue what they are. It's fun trying to figure it out though. I'm a new to your blog and enjoy reading your posts.

  5. Your mystery plant is pretty. I try to keep a list of the flowers we purchase in an envelope in the garage. I often have to refer back to remember! Enjoy your spring day!

  6. I am enjoying the blooms also, not sure of your plant

  7. Not viburnum (sp) I'm quite sure, at least that's not how they grow here with that many flowers. Now, I'll be thinking about that all day. :)


  8. I thought the leaves looked like rhododendron too, but I have never seen any bloom that low to the ground. Whatever it is, it's pretty! :-)

  9. Someone always knows. The power of the internet!

  10. That happens to me all the time.

  11. Its a very prety plant. We have some like it too, i think. Our flowering cherry tree is in full bloom. It feels like spring for sure.

  12. In my last home I had things sprout up that the previous owners had planted, I never knew what some of the things were, but it was fun to see them grow. :)

  13. Always forget stuff! It's a gift each year!


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