Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bobby is a Weirdo

Bobby is a strange little cat.  He's nearing his first birthday this June.  You may remember he was dropped at the end of our driveway towards the end of last summer, covered in fleas, and we took him in.  He is the first manx cat we've every had.

Since then we've discovered he has many quirks.  He loves to hike up the mountain with us.  It's a steep trek, around a mile, and he happily follows along and hangs out until we hike back down.  This seems to me to be more of a dog-type behavior.

He prefers kids to adults.  Wherever my boys are, there he is.  Right in the midst of all the chaos.  Cats usually seeks out quiet areas, but not this one. 

He likes cold weather and snow.  Remember the picture I posted this past winter of him playing in 18 inches of snow?  Very suspicious behavior for a cat.  Surely he must have some collie mixed in somewhere?

And then there's this.  Apparently Bobby has decided he wants to go for rides.  I took this picture with my cell phone last week.  I suppose he feels he should go to the grocery store with me.  Maybe supervise the choosing of salmon and shrimp.
We never know how Bobby will surprise us next.  But it's always fun to watch his unusual antics.  And he's turned into a magnificent hunter.  He catches a mouse or mole almost every single day while waiting for the bus to come (yes, he always walks down to wait for the bus with us).

Readers, do you have any animals that behave strangely?


  1. the world is full of weirdos, just look at politics today

  2. What a neat cat, seems very smart. Our cat Sheila is part Persian as has always been aloof. She is not to be picked up or otherwise played with unless she decides to allow it.

  3. My supervisor will often go for walks with me if he is awake anyway. He is four now and I notice he isn't always awake now like he used to be. His mother used to ride around with me on the tractor sometimes but she was completely fearless which is probably why she is not with us anymore. Some cats seem to have more dog-like traits I think.

  4. I think it's cool that he's so different. Sounds like a great addition to the family. :)

  5. He's just adorable! I bet he may have been raised with dogs or at least one dog. Our cats have always been more like dogs (we have three and always have) than most cats I know! It's really fun.

  6. So funny! I would love to have a cat. But with the way we travel, I don't think it's possible. I'll just have to keep watching to see what Bobby is up to.

  7. I had a couple kittens who would hike along with me, but sometimes tired and had to be carried back. When I planted my garden they helped by digging up the plants and using that hole for a bathroom. Bought a lot of plants that year.I get a lot of strays, but they don't always stay.

  8. Animals with strange habits? Where shall I begin? LOL Bobby is a beauty--such pretty fur and eyes. And I'm so glad he and the boys enjoy each other. Waddles had some traits that I thought were dog-like. She was very affectionate. And often before she lay down, she would turn in circles. This morning when I was getting ready for work, I looked up and there were Connor AND Abbey on top of the TALL dresser. My two orange kitties. We need to get a cat tree pronto! :-)

  9. I have a number of outdoor cats. Four of them are siblings, they are long haired, white with black tails, and blue eyes. When I walk to the mailbox down at the foot of the mountain, they will go with me half way. But when we get to the gate, they settle down by the creek there and wait. There is a pit bull who lives by the hard surface road where the mail boxes are, and the cats don't like her.

    My ferrets over the years have had a lot of personality. Bobby has personality as well. He was a good acquisition to your family.

  10. We had two barn cats that would follow us down the driveway also... cat personalities vary so greatly, some are truly like dogs.

    Bobby is adorable!

  11. The tepee in my post is a guest house and play area for the kids

  12. Bobby is cute as can be. You know how I love cats. He chose the perfect family, didn't he? Three active boys to play & hike with and mole/mouse patrol on the way to the bus stop!
    I've never had ANY cat who wants to ride but our baby cat Blue loves to play in water, which I think is weird behavior for a cat.

  13. You officially have a supervisor now!

  14. awe sweet Bobby! Makes me wonder if he possible remembers being mistreated before you guys found him, and now wants to be a part of such a loving family.

    As for me: no strange weirdness here except the kids. LOL


  15. What a lovely cat. I am not a cat person but I sure could take to this one, perhaps because he does not the usual cat like ways!

  16. What a fun cat! My cat Hana is like a dog in many ways. She is so easy going. And loves everyone. Cats are cool.

  17. Well, he must really be in love with his new family. I have had cats before and they had the typical quiet behavior.

  18. Perhaps he was raised by a dog!

  19. I LOVE Bobby! What a great guy he is!

    My Owen LOVES people and runs TO the door when the bell rings. He loves strangers--and men. It's weird.

    We had a cat, Henry, who would wait on the corner for the bus with my daughter. When the bus would come, he would run like hell for the house. It was really cute.

    And yes, Hobbes used to like the snow. Not anymore that he is old.

  20. One thing for sure is Bobby is trying his hardest to communicate with you

  21. He sounds like a very "Cool Cat" !! LOL

  22. This of course brought back memories of a Pekingese dog I had as a child for 13 years. She loved to wait until our family left the house at night and then tried to sneak naps on the couch. My mother tried to dissuade this behavior by placing newspaper pages on the couch, However, the dog delighted in the fact that the newspaper acted as insulation and kept her comfortable. She would jump down upon hearing the garage door open, but the newspaper always bore a mark where she was!

  23. Both Violet and Rose acted more like dogs than cats. Rose is playful like a puppy, wanting to fetch and chase. Our dog, on the other hand, is a lazy lump in the sun.

  24. This isn't strange at all! My Daisy goes on forest walks with me, plays in the water, and is part doggie, I'm sure.

  25. That sounds like a cool cat to me. I love that he's good with the boys. He's more of a companion than most cats would be.


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