Monday, April 25, 2016

Magic Eye

When Paul and I were dating in college, a Magic Eye store popped up in the mall.  Once in a while we'd go in and stare at the pictures on the wall.  It took me a dozen trips before I figured out how to make my eyes relax enough to see the hidden pictures pop out.  I remember being irritated that Paul figured it out before I did.

At a recent yard sale I picked up several Magic Eye books for a quarter a piece for the boys.  It's been more than twenty years, but I still remember how to relax my eyes to see the pictures.  I guess it's kind of like riding a bike - once you figure it out you never forget.  Still, it was exciting when the 3D eagle popped out of the first picture I studied.

The boys desperately want to be able to see the pictures.  So they have spent a lot of time sitting on the couch trying different techniques in hopes of revealing the images hidden inside.  Pierce came the closest - and then when he started to see the picture shifting shape he got so excited he jumped off the couch, and of course, lost his concentration.

How about you, readers?  Did you ever frequent the Magic Eye stores in the mall back in the early 90s? 


  1. I don't remember having any Magic Eyes stores in Roanoke. We did have these pics in Spencer's Gifts I think.

  2. We did have those books. My girls loved them and yes I could see them and so could they after awhile. I think there are a couple still here somewhere. Hug B

  3. Hi Lisa, What a great yard sale find. I remember a store at the shopping mall that displayed these and I could never figure out how to see them. Great fun for your boys!

  4. I don't remember stores like that, but I remember when the pictures were popular. You do have to relax and kind of let go of effort in order to see what's there. A good exercise for the boys!

  5. I've tried and tried to do this, but can't seem to relax my eyes enough to see the picture. I get irritated too!! :)

  6. I do not possess the talent to see anything :)

  7. No stores here like that, but how exciting for the boys. They'll get there! :)


  8. Relaxing anything in anyway has always been a special talent of mine. IN fact once Marvel was going to model a super hero after me called under achiever Man but it didn't pass the market test stage.

    Very sad cause I could have defeated all the super villains.

  9. I haven't been to one of the stores but I loved looking at the books!!!

  10. I love shopping at garage sales and 2nd hand stores! I don't know the magic eye!

  11. I am too anxious to view them i guess.

  12. I remember them. I used to be able to do it but my eyes have changed and don't work together very well.

  13. My parents had one of these books. I kind of forgot about them. I loved them back in the day. I bet my kids would like them now to.

  14. It does sound like fun. But,,we never heard of it.

  15. I love to play with 3D book, so challenging

  16. I know you're talking about but I didn't know they had stores. That really is cool

  17. This is a great story. But I'm not familiar with this band.


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