Monday, April 18, 2016

Maple Syrup, Part II

You may remember that during the month of February we started tapping maple trees.  We got a bit of a late start.  In all, I think we collected about six gallons or so of sap, most of which we boiled down bit by bit on the wood stove.  We finally did the final boil down a few weeks ago.  It had to reach 219*.

My brother had given Paul a couple of bottles of scotch, which we repurposed for the syrup.  Then I made a double batch of super fluffy homemade waffles.  Everyone declared them the best waffles ever (you may notice - I put peanut butter on mine with the syrup. It's just how I eat waffles).  We'll probably get about 3 more waffle dinners out of the syrup we have left.  Next year?  We're definitely getting an earlier start.  It is so worth all the effort!


  1. Don't tell Paul but the home brewers are using maple syrup to carbonate the bottles. I would rather have it on waffles or hoe cakes.

  2. My mom used to make us declare her cooking as the best on earth too or she would stop making it. We just learned to agree with her to make things easier :)

    Home made maple syrup is the best though at least you got some!!!!!

  3. I'll bet it was delicious. Still seems like a lot of work to me though.

    I have 3 Red Maples if I count the two huge one's right on Brandon. Wonder if the City of Roanoke would make me pay a tax on the syrup?

  4. I am hungry now! Looks delicious! Wishing you all a great week, Lisa.

  5. Something I have always wanted to try.
    Real Maple syrup is so yummy!

  6. I can only imagine how good that 'real' maple syrup is... YUM.. I love peanut butter --but have never put it on waffles with syrup... Bet I'd like it!!!!!

    I published a post today --so check it out when you get a minute.


  7. Oh, my, I LOVE maple syrup. I would probably just drink one of those bottles. And then be sick. LOL It's a lovely color.

  8. My Dad always ate waffles and pancakes with peanut butter on them to. It's actually pretty good.

    I'm glad you have some great syrup! I don't know if we have enough trees around us to do that, since we live in the city.

  9. It looks and sounds delicious. How awesome to make your own syrup. The PB sounds like a great addition. I'll have to try it sometime.

  10. I think that's awesome that you make your own. I bet it tastes so much better than the stuff in the stores!

  11. I haven't had any homemade syrup this year. I have tried PB on mine before and it is good.

  12. Oh my gosh...I can only imagine how wonderful that syrup is!

  13. Nice and warm, spring greetings.

  14. How cool! Does anyone make syrup by you? That might be a really cool side business :) I bet they were the best tasting waffles ever!

  15. Yum! Your waffles look tasty with peanut butter and syrup. :)

  16. I take it Paul got rid of the scotch. LOL

    Good for you guys, I'm always amazed at what you accomplish. The waffles look very good. :)


  17. Imagino que é bom Xarope...Espectacular....

  18. I admire your effort! Maple syrup is so delicious!

  19. It looks delicious, but not in my diet -- strict rules for goals -- but tempting! :)

  20. It looks wonderful! Nice work!


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