Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Backyard Climbing

The boys camped out a couple of weekends ago.  I hiked up and hung out by the campfire, but it was chilly and I am fond of my bed and down comforter, so I hiked back down to sleep.  The boys had rigged up some rock climbing gear on a big rock by the campsite on top of our mountain.

Pierce can scrabble his way right up the rock.  The twins had fun with it too.  All three boys just love camping out - even during chilly weather and rain! 

Readers, do you like camping?


  1. My idea of roughing it is suffering through a hotel stay with no room service. So not a fan of what I call 'planned homelessness...' Despite this my oldest son likes it quite a bit. I tried not to let my prejudice wear off on him :-)

  2. How cool is that. A base camp for climbing Everest anytime they want!!!

  3. i sleep totally different outdoors. There always is a charm as you well know.Like the rock climbing, a great way to build character.We shared techniques and became better friends.

  4. Looks like fun, but at my age I try to keep both feet on the ground.

  5. It's been so long since I went camping. I never really loved it--and this with being a high adventure expert. (20+ mile backpacking trip? Oh yeah. Spelunking? Check. Scuba diving. Indeed. Repelling? Sure thing.) Especially snow camping. Brr. Cave camping was doable, but I missed the sunrise. Truthfully, I'd rather stay indoors and go out to enjoy nature AFTER a good nights rest, know what I mean?

  6. How fun for the boys and what a lovely property you have for them. NO, I don't like camping!!! When I was 12 I went camping with a friend's family and that was it for me. I am too wimpy!!! lol

  7. You are giving your boys such a wonderful upbringing.....but I would have done the same as you...gone up the mountain to share time with them and then come down the mountain to snuggle up in a warm bed!

  8. This is a great picture, I love that big smile and how it was taken from above him. Glad to see the rope, too. Heights are not for me, but I think they are a required gene in boys.

  9. I love camping. Sometimes my allergies and asthma doesn't like it. Really just when it's rainy my body doesn't respond to the weather well. Otherwise it's great!

  10. I do enjoy camping- but not in the cold or the rain. I also find the older I get the more I do prefer sleeping in my own bed- but I still love to be outdoors. Sounds like you guys had fun! :)

  11. I like camping. I haven't been legit camping in a long time though.

  12. That's neat that you have places on your property that you can hike and climb and camp on. I have never been camping. I guess I should try it. But I like electricity and running water and bathrooms. lol

  13. Very cool!
    Mommie says its been years since she camped...She loved it.
    How fun for the boys!

  14. Yikes! That looks a little steep....:)JP

  15. I like camping. I don't like packing for it though! Pierce looks great here.


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