Friday, June 24, 2016

Sassafras Tea

We have sassafras growing all over our land.  The leaves kind of look like a mitten.  We heard that the roots were good for making tea.  Paul went and dug some up for me.  I cut them into little pieces and steeped them for 20 minutes, then added cold water to make a gallon. 
The flavor tastes a little like root beer.  It's incredibly refreshing.  Sassafras does contain safrole, which is a carcinogen, so you want to enjoy it in small doses. 

Readers, have you ever tried sassafras tea?


  1. I have never tried it. Can you drink it hot too? I'm surprised the root and not the leaves are used for the tea.

  2. I have never tried it, but I have heard of it. I think it's a southern thing? They look a bit like pretzel rods. What a fun thing to try, but don't drink much!

  3. It seems like I did a real long time ago! I love how you experiment, and glad you like it. :)

    Have a great weekend, Lisa. Hope you don't have to work.


  4. While your neighbourhood Bear likes good tea, he's never tried sassafras. Never had contact with it at all. But thanks for trying it and reporting on your experience.

    I'll see if I can catch up with you on Twitter.

  5. the fall color is spectacular

  6. It's always fun to visit here and see what you and the family are up to. I've never tasted the tea but I always loved the candy sticks when I was a kid. It's interesting to see the root; don't think I've ever seen it before. I always learn something new! Enjoy the weekend.

  7. I like the taste, don't remember anyone getting sick from it, probably only applies to test rats.

  8. It's been several years but I remember drinking sassafras tea when I was younger. My mom made it a lot. Brings back fond memories.

  9. Sassafras! >>>> I'm off to Google to learn more

  10. Can't say that I have. Looking at those roots, I believe I would have tried it out on the chickens before I drank it!

  11. I love the taste of root beer. It sounds like I would enjoy it. Any story about the penny next to your sassafras roots? :)

  12. Yes, but I didn't make it from the roots.

  13. Yummy! I've never had this, but I sure do love Root Beer.


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