Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Shame at the Liquor Store

For my mother's birthday (which is today, happy birthday!) I had to go to the liquor store.  My mom doesn't actually drink liquor, but she wanted to start making some tinctures like the ones I've been making from native plants.  I got her the two Rosemary Gladstar guidebooks that I've been using for Mother's Day, and decided to get the items she'd need to make the products for her birthday.  Things like the little bottles and jars.  And, as you may remember, some of the recipes call for vodka. 

So I found myself at the liquor store, where I don't go very often.  Years could pass without me setting foot in a liquor store, which is probably good since the minute I enter through the doors I am consumed with guilt.  As though I've already done something wrong (I have no similar guilt over buying a bottle of wine at the grocery store - but something about the liquor store does this to me every time).  Like just in crossing the threshold I have done very bad things. 

I found the vodka and then something strange happened as I was meandering my way out of the store.  It started with the amaretto.  Instantly I felt the need to make amaretto cake.  Then there was the Malibu rum.  Didn't I see a recipe for Malibu rum cupcakes recently? 

As you might imagine, I had major impulse buy fails, and then I'm walking to the checkout with my arms loaded by two bottles of vodka, a bottle of amaretto, and a bottle of Malibu rum.  Party at my house!  I hung my head in shame as the cashier scanned my driver's license.  Is there a limit to how much you can buy?  Was he going to flag me for future stores?

Still...I must say.  That amaretto cake?  It made it all worth it!
Readers, do you like any drunken sweets?


  1. the stuff never passes my lips

  2. Hi Lisa, What a cute post! That cake looks absolutely delicious. The first date John and I went on we had amaretto cheesecake for dessert and it was so good. Both John and my late mom loved rum balls at Christmas.

  3. p.s. I clicked too soon.....I want to wish your Mom a Happy Birthday!

  4. Oh had I only seen you coming out the door I would have laughed. I only go in there once a year when we need something to put in eggnog. I like looking at all of the neat bottles but it is so expensive.

  5. I am laughing because I am the same way. I don't go in the liquor store much at all, but when I do, I have a feeling that anyone who sees me there must think I drink a lot. Our little county seat, where I work, got its own ABC store last year, and it was big news.

  6. I cook with wine, but that cake looks incredible.YUM!

  7. You made me laugh. That cake is beautiful and I am sure it was very delicious. I love rum balls but have never made them. We cannot buy wine in our grocery stores yet, at least in Ontario Canada so if you want anything alcoholic you need to go to the liquor or beer store here:). Hug B

  8. Oops,
    Happy Birthday to your Mom. Hug B

  9. Ha ha, I'd say you have a well-developed superego.

  10. No one would have batted an eye at that purchase around here...except to ask if you needed help to your car with it.
    I make Kahlua bars which are scrumptious. Our old neighbor would always bring us a bottle after visiting his family each year, since we didn't drink it, I found the recipe and I will EAT it!

  11. I used to make a great chocolate rum cake. Yum. It looks delicious!

  12. oh you are funny! that amaretto cook looks so good...years ago i used to like a drink called an amaretto sour, it was delicious...i haven't had one in a very long time but i would probably still like it! i haven't cooked much with alcohol except for wine and one time while living in georgia, you couldn't buy wine/beer or alcohol on sundays. i needed a bottle of wine for something i was making for dinner and it was on a sunday. walmart had the wine/beer section blocked off and i wasn't thinking about it being sunday and alcohol since i was using it for cooking...i got my wine and took it to the register and was told i couldn't buy it since it was was so funny because i knew that but i wasn't drinking it, only cooking with it! well anyways, happy birthday to your mom!

  13. Happy, Happy Birthday to your Mom!

    I can't remember ever being in a liquor store except to pick up boxes when I was moving. However (haha) I used to buy Boones Farm wine in the grocery store. I bet you're too young to remember that. :)


  14. Happy Birthday to your Mom! Your feelings of guilt were rather cute. The cake looks delicious.....

  15. Oh yes, I do. Amaretto chocolate cheesecake holds a sweet spot in my heart. :) LOL about the liquor store guilt. I think I have only been in one once (for grenadine), but I wanted to buy the pretty bottles, lol!

  16. You have given me a good laugh today! I can just picture you now! The cake looks divine, and worthy of a magazine cover! I only go in liquor stores when I need those divided wine boxes, they give them away. Can I tell you a secret? When I was a kid, maybe nine or ten, the liquor store down the street held a forbidden fascination. The "bad" little girl on the street led me there, so it was her fault! Well, I would return because they had those free cardboard coasters and little free pamphlets with pretty drinks in them. Of course, some local drunk must have spotted me and told my mom. She hit the roof and forbid me to ever set foot in the place again. Back to the drugstore and boring comic books...Hey, this may make a good blog post! Perhaps I will grab some pictures and do that!

  17. We don't have liquor stores here in France, mostly because the French drink wine which they buy direct from the wine producers, but the supermarkets carry good stocks of alcohol though, but they don't have Ginger Wine here at all. I love Ginger Wine, and always used to have a tipple in the evenings when I lived in the UK.
    That cake looks gorgeous, and happy birthday to your mum.

  18. Why the guilt??! I found that so funny that you felt guilty. Criminy, we like going to the liquor store. Is that bad?? Uh oh. We like to make fancy drinks for friends when they come over--like Mai Tai's or Moscow Mules. It's all in moderation.

    I don't really like dessert, but I do like a Mai Tai!

  19. The picture sure proves that all those was worth it. :)
    Happy birthday to your mom. :)

  20. Hmmm...I haven't been to a liquor store since we moved up here...HOWEVER, there's always tomorrow!! You know I would be diving into that cake!! Oh, and "the book" does remind me of me too...LOL...I love it!!...:)JP

  21. The cake looks lovely!! I've never felt guilty going into any store....oh, wait, I did when we were checking out the dispensaries in CO this summer; we were inquisitive though.

  22. What true emotions!
    The cake looks good,, and we have never heard of it before,, but I have a feeling its wonderful,,, and it sure is pretty

  23. Happy birthday to your mom! What a yummy looking cake!

  24. I made rum balls once. My sister disapproved. I didn't care. They were good! I also like making beer bread.

  25. the cake looks wonderful..I don't drink but I don't mind if others are enjoying theirs :)


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