Monday, July 25, 2016

Crash Test Dummy

I picked up a costume at a thrift store for $1.99.  It's been quite popular with the boys.  I don't know how they can stand being completely zipped up in the thing.  It's mesh, so they can still see out and breathe, but I think it would creep me out.

I think this is a crash test dummy costume.  What do you all think?  They used to be kind of popular when my middle brother was a kid. 


  1. It looks like a crash test dummy. I didn't know you could dress up like one. . lol I bet the boys can imagine they're all kinds of creatures when they're playing with it.

  2. my oldest grandkids love to dress up for play time. I grab when I see things like this.Last week for a birthday part my daughter made super hero capes for all the kids to have.

  3. I think that you are getting an early start on Halloween.

  4. I think it's hilarious, and glad the boys are having fun! :)


  5. I have no idea what it is/was --but kids love costumes of all kinds... You are smart to pick them up so cheaply... They'll definitely get their money's worth out of that one....


  6. that costume is so awesome.
    but i do agree - i would not beable to stand being so closed up in it.

  7. Oh my gosh! Well, I have seen the REAL ones at the crash test research facility! They even have kid dummies! Let me find the pictures and send them to you, some are very close up. Then you can show the boys and tell them that I went and saw them. The place is actually less then an hour from here and if you are real nice, they will give you a tour. We even saw the cars being crashed!!

  8. Looks like you got $5 worth of fun out of a $1.99 costume!

  9. It looks like one to me.

    I think I could wear it. I've had my face, and chest covered with plaster before. I probably could handle mesh. :)

    I think my boys would like that as well.

  10. Wow, that would come in handy next time I rob a liquor store to raise money for a new reloading project!

  11. Your right ,, its scary looking

  12. That would be an AWESOME Halloween costume :)

  13. Looks like a crash dummy to me too. My son would love that costume. :)

  14. I love it. Looks like a crash test dummy to me!


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