Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Foraging in the Pastures

Things are  in bloom in the hills around our place.  Reid and I went for a walk to the far pasture one night to gather some ox-eye daisies that I had noticed during my morning run.  They are very similar to chamomile.  While we were picking daisies, we stumbled upon a lot of red clover, which also makes a nice tea and is useful for skin conditions like psoriasis. 

Once we got back to the house, we spread our flowers out on paper towels for a few days to dry out.  I will label them and store them with other herbs we have been gathering.  We'll either use them to make teas or salves during the winter months.

Soon, I will be harvesting the calendula planted in my garden.  It's doing much better than the batch I did in a pot. 

Readers, what's in bloom at your house?


  1. Not much is blooming right now. I grew up seeing the red clover all the time, and I never knew you could make tea or salve from it. So many plants that we just step over or think of as weeds have "powers" that we might never know about.

  2. Hi Lisa, sweet photo today and a cool thing to do..I did not know that red clover was good for psoriasis...I've been catching up and as usual you've made me giggle several times, loved the watermelon shot, Bobby and Cort, the meet and greet outfit..all so good! Glad you are having a good summer...

  3. That is so cool. We've lived in cities all our lives and I've never learned the fine art of herb collecting. I'm also quite allergic to anything green, so touche, eh? Whatever is blooming where I live, I wish it would stop so I can stop sneezing! ;)

  4. I really like clover tea. It brings summer back in the winter.

  5. Looks like you and Reid had a great walk... Such pretty flowers... Don't we all just love the wildflowers blooming in the woodsy and pasture-type areas this time of year? We always enjoy seeing wildflowers when we are out hiking.

    Here at home, there are Roses, Day Lilies and Lilies blooming... It's gotten really hot here (and dry) ---so our Pansies are gone for the year. We just planted a few Vincas to replace some of them..


  6. In my younger years I did a lot of foraging. It is a wonderful experience. What a beautiful boy you have!!! Love that picture.

  7. The only thing that is blooming around here is my crepe myrtle, and it must love the heat and humidity because it is truly showing out. Lisa, I've sent in the hair samples and I am patiently awaiting the results! I hope it will help me, and thanks so much for letting me know about it. I'm thinking of doing it for my grandson who has severe excema.

  8. They look so beautiful all laid out!! You are really a naturalist and herbalist! Plants, oils, and herbs are the first medicines. And they work, too. I know lavender oil is great for burns. A few family members are really into essential oils. I guess they are called ox eye because of the large center?

  9. P.S. What a glorious smile!!!! Your boys are so gorgeous.

  10. Zinnias! They are so pretty, too. I find your foraging interesting. I don't know much about what plants are good for foraging and their uses. Hopefully, you will share how you use them, when the time comes.

  11. One of the blogs I really like is written by an older woman, and she was just writing about using herbs from her location for healing purposes. I immediately thought of you and Kymber, because I know both of you do that too.

    I bought some books on local plants that have medicinal value, but I haven't really opened them. I need to do that, I'm sure the forest around my house is probably full of useful plants.

  12. You'll have to post when you make the salve. I want to know the recipe that you make up.

    We have tomatoes and peppers all over our table. As far as flowers go, not too much around our house. We need to get more of those.

  13. With all the rain the clovers and alfalfa are still blooming quite strong. The Buckwheat is blooming nice too but the bees seem to be ignoring it for some reason.

  14. Sunflowers, Black Eyed Susans, Four O'Clocks, Daisies, etc... Son many beautiful things in bloom this time of year. Nice to see you putting these flowers to great use!

  15. That's a great idea! A new lesson for me. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love this.... and I cant wait to see what salves you make up.

  17. We've been foraging for black raspberries. They're my favorite berry.

  18. I only have flowers. But interestingly you have calendula..I have been using it for my scars and burns from radiation procedures and it worked really well

  19. Not much blooming right now. I didn't plant much for hot weather, I guess.

  20. Nothing this year, we're starting over. :)

  21. We have lots of daisys that look like those,,,, growing on our mountain- wild... They take over a lot of pasture land.. How can we tell if ours are like yours? They look the same,

  22. I didn't know that about clover!
    I hope you share you salve recipes.


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