Monday, July 4, 2016

Our First Overnight Backpacking Trip with Kids, Part 1

We had hoped to do an overnight backpacking trip with the boys last fall, but we never managed to find the time.  We finally made it happen a couple of weeks ago, for Father's Day weekend.  We drove the boys down to the Grayson Highlands region of the Appalachian Trail.  It is so beautiful there. 

The boys used the backpacks they got for their last birthdays.  They each carried their own sleeping bags, food, snacks, water, headlamp, and a change of underwear and socks.  The first day all of our hiking was going up.  Here they are taking a break about 3 miles in. 

Paul pointed to our final destination for the day - another 3 miles or so from this meadow, on Mount Rogers.  This is the highest mountain in Virginia. 
Cort did get a little tired with so much climbing.  He has the shortest legs of the bunch, plus he has asthma, so it's genuinely more difficult for him.  Paul took one for the team in carrying Cort's pack in addition to his own for a while. 

We made it to the top and set up camp at one of the most beautiful spots around.  The view was phenomenal. 
Stay post I'm going to show you pictures of what makes Mount Rogers so unique compared to other parts of the Appalachian Trail in Virginia.  Plus, on Friday, I'll be posting a special bloopers edition that will be sure to amuse. 
Have a safe and fun Fourth!  


  1. exciting times to be outside with the family...Happy 4th

  2. What a nice experience and good bonding time. I am envious. I posted some eagle pics for you and the boys.

  3. Looks like a wonderful trip, one which your boys will always remember I am sure. I used to take my children on long walks in the UK countryside, sometimes camping overnight. Now they are all in their forties, with families of their own, it is nice to see them passing on the love of the outdoors to their children.

  4. Looks like a really fun time that's for sure. Were there others out on the trail?

  5. Hurrah for taking one for the team. :) Looking forward to hearing more about the teasers you posted. Happy 4th!

  6. When I went there in May it was neat to see the ponies. Their are a lot more ponies now than 35 years ago when I first went up there. It must suit them!

  7. As my grandmother used to say: "I swan" you guys are the best!
    Love the pics, and looking forward to Weds and Fri, Lisa. :)


  8. Hope you have a great 4th of July too!

  9. Wow, that is so much walking! The boys must have a tremendous feeling of satisfaction! I do not know anything about this mountain. Your pictures are wonderful, especially the first one! How long did it take to get to the top? Did you see any wildlife? There are many bears around here now, one ran in front of our car last week. Can't wait to read the rest of your adventure.

  10. Great training for the boys, and a good family experience. I never know what I am going to read about here next, as you folks do a lot of different things.

    Funny to think I live near the trail, and you live near the trail, but our homes are hundreds of miles apart. When I was a kid, I used to stand on the road in front of our house, and think that this road, connected to all the other roads in the county, and so it could take me anywhere.

  11. Looks like you guys are having a blast! I hope you have fun. I've been hiding indoors for the Fourth because I'm down in a beach city and didn't make the appropriate plans to hide away from the ridiculous traffic/people/explosions that the holiday brings down here. @_@

  12. Oh WOW! What fun! Can't wait to hear all of the details of the trip. It's great that the kids could carry their own gear.

    We are off on a tent-camping adventure in South Dakota later in the summer. Can't wait!

  13. What a fantastic adventure for the boys and you as well too! Love seeing those happy faces...always up for some good times in nature.

  14. It looks beautiful up there and on the trail too. Your boys are troopers.

  15. this is awesome, can't wait to see/hear more! i also enjoyed the haunted hike at explore park...i love explore park but didn't know there were more than the few buildings by the visitor's center. a friend of mine had done a "moonshine run" through there recently and showed me the barn that i didn't even know was there...i'm going to have to drag the boys on the trails this week!

  16. Great post... Can't wait to read more... I've never done an over-night ---so I admire you all so much.. You are making GREAT hikers out of those boys.... That is SO NEAT.

    I lived in Marion for a short time (in my first marriage) --and we drove up to Mt. Rogers --but I wasn't doing much hiking back then... Wish I had have been!!!!!


  17. What a great experience for them. I've been camping but never backpacking like that. Actually our son is doing a backpack trip at Big Sur later this week with some friends.

  18. Way to go! It looks like fun. I can relate to Cort; I've been having night time asthma. I really wish I could get rid of it. It seems really hot and humid this year.

  19. Wonderful! I was at Mt. Rogers many years ago and it was a fantastic place.

  20. Beautiful scenery pictures and it looks like you had beautiful weather as well! What a great experience for the family.

  21. you are celebrating it in a fun way! Happy 4th :)


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