Friday, July 29, 2016

Shoe Surprise

The boys leave their shoes all over.  I find shoes in the strangest places.  And they frequently are left lying all over the yard. 

One morning there was a big commotion when I was in the shower (because I can never take a five minute shower in peace).  It turns out Reid had gone outside to grab his Crocs and when he put his foot in, something was in there.  At first, he thought it was dog poop.  Luckily, it was something much cuter.

You'd think this would be a good lesson not to leave your shoes lying all over the place.  You know, to put them away where they go.  If only...


  1. Who needs shoes in the summer?

  2. Awwww mom!I laughed getting up a few nights ago and stepping on socks left on the floor, not sure at first what it was. If one has pets the first thing that comes to mind is discharges. Yuck

  3. Might be a baby snake next time so shake the shoes good before bringing them inside.

  4. Oh Lordy, that would have scared the bejeebers out of me....I would have thought it was a snake. Lol!!

  5. Oh, I hear you, Lisa. First, my granddaughter often says the same about those 5 minute showers. Secondly, yeah it's a constant effort to find where shoes, clothes have been tossed. :)

    Have a really nice weekend with all your "men".

  6. Oh my goodness...he's a cutie! Although I think I'd make a commotion too if I found him inside my shoe! MUCH better than dog poop!

  7. What a cute frog! Is he a tree frog? Maybe someday they'll start putting away their shoes. There's always hope. LOL

  8. So cute, and it's so funny how you just never know where they find themselves!

  9. oooo.. what a cute find... lucky it was just this little fella and not a slitherer *wink*.....

  10. Definitely cute and better than poop!

  11. Oh my gosh, he is the CUTEST! I think this would be an encouragement to continue leaving his shoes lay around!! Who wouldn't want to hold one of these cute little guys?

  12. Ahhh---such a cutie. But--I'll bet that WAS a surprise.... ha

    We leave our working in the yard shoes in the garage.. I ALWAYS check mine before putting my foot inside... BUT--I'm not looking for little frogs.. I'm looking for SPIDERS... So far, I've never found any.


  13. At night here, my location is lit up with red security lights. The bugs are drawn to them, and all the little toads and frogs come and hang around the lights. So if I go out to one of the other buildings, I have to walk very carefully and not step on any of my small friends.

    I'll bet finding a frog in his sandals really was a surprise for your son! Could have been worse. Around here, it might have been a scorpion.

  14. Aww, I'm glad the little critter wasn't hurt. Cute!

  15. How cute! I usually shake my shoes before putting my foot in.

    Wishing you guys a great weekend.

  16. Eek! Although I like frogs, I think I would've freaked out if I would've found one in my shoe.

  17. I'm sure the frog was just as surprised! SO cute.

  18. Had to come back and take one more look. This picture just makes me really happy! Look at his tiny feet holding onto the thumb! My day is complete now...

  19. Kids are so funny. My sister caught her littlest one putting a dead bird in her sister's shoe.

  20. If they like frogs, it could encourage them to leave their shoes outside, lol

  21. how cute! when braden and dalton were little we had problems with them losing 1 shoe...never failed, running out the door and one of them would always have a shoe missing :D

  22. I love frogs and toads! It's so cute. I'm glad it wasn't dog poop!

  23. the frog is cute indeed...but if I found it in my shoes, I might scream as well :)


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