Monday, August 22, 2016

Garfield Cake

A few months ago when Pierce left for a week of camp, I slipped a Garfield comic strip collection book into his bag.  I remembered reading Garfield as a kid.  Apparently, Pierce found this book in his suitcase and then stayed up all night reading it over and over by flashlight, snickering along the way.  All that midnight giggling caused the camp to create a new 'flashlights out' policy.  And in our house, it started a Garfield craze - we've been checking out books and movies of Garfield nonstop.  I have to admit, even as an adult, Garfield is pretty funny.

Next thing I knew, the twins wanted a Garfield cake for their birthday.  I did a vanilla cake with lemon curd filling and a coconut rum frosting.

I decided just to freehand this one.  Considering the frosting wasn't completely smooth, I think it turned out alright. 
This cake didn't stick around for very long! 

Readers, do you like Garfield?


  1. You did a great job! I love Garfield. I even have a stuffed Garfield from many many years ago.

  2. From the looks of it I like Garfield cake.He is always good for a laugh and looking at our follies.You did a great job. One of my grand kids said she wants a fairy cake. I asked about just figurines or pictures, and she replied, No made by fairies.LOL

  3. i love Garfield. such a funny cartoon. you are so talented. well done.

    i was trying to recall what my mom did? i can recall in my memory bank a bunny? but usually it was such a bundt or just a simple round lovely tasting cake. my fave was red velvet or caramel. ( :

  4. The cake turned out GREAT... You did a perfect job. Garfield is GREAT... Glad you introduced that one to the kids!!!!!!


  5. Lisa! The cake is adorable, you did a wonderful job. I can see the joy on the boy's faces! So glad also that Pierce loves to read, and enjoys Garfield as well. :)


    Thank you for being a kind friend.

  6. Oh my GOSH!! This is totally perfect! It is the cutest! You must have watched YouTube or something, or had a pattern? A bakery could not do it better. You must have taken a cake decorating class in the past.

  7. awesome job hun!!! and with lemon curd - yum!

  8. Great Job!!!
    You sure know how to create some Happy.

  9. The cake turned out so cute, Lisa, as are the boys!
    I know who Garfield is but I've never watched or read the comics.
    It must be funny though if it was causing Pierce to laugh out load!

  10. I do like Garfield. Your cake turned out great. I know the kids loved it!

  11. Looks wonderful and sound delicious! Everyone up here decided that baking is fattening so all my hard work at cake class hasn't been used in a while! That cake came out AWESOME!!! The boys loved it, I'll bet!...:)JP

  12. I love Garfield too and am glad Pierce likes Garfield too! You did a better job on the Garfield (freehand) than some cake shop would have done! I am sure the twins enjoyed their birthday cake.

  13. Wow, that's so cute! You are a woman of many talents.

  14. oh, i love garfield (and odie) too! 'flashlights out' policy made me laugh. :)

  15. That cake is awesome! We love the non-animated Garfield movie here. I probably know it by heart.

  16. WOW, that cake is awesome. I also love Garfield. Happy belated birthday to the twins. Hug B

  17. I haven't heard about Garfield in such a long time. I used to love that cat.

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