Monday, August 15, 2016

Rebellious Squash

This is the time of year when my squash gets out of control and does whatever it wants.  It takes over all the nice rows I've laid out.  My husband is irritated it climbs over the fence he built around the garden.  He says, "you need to do something about your squash". 

What, exactly, am I supposed to do?  Ground it?  Remove privileges?  Send it to its room? You can see in the picture below where two different types of squash are escaping their prison. 

Aside from the fact that my squash is trying to take over the world, it doesn't seem to hurt anything when it climbs out of the garden.  I do have to wear muck boots now in the garden, as I can't see very well and there is a black snake that likes to hang out under the shady squash. Not to mention that neighbor of ours that got bit by a copperhead when picking peppers in his garden is never far from my mind. Here is one area I now call squash row (this area is primarily rampicante and blue hubbard):
I know I've got rampicante, blue hubbard, butternut, and delicata growing.  There is also a pumpkin and zucchini, but they are planted elsewhere. There may also be some spaghetti squash in there somewhere - I did plant some.  It will be a nice surprise to hopefully stumble upon at some point

Readers, do you have a favorite squash?


  1. I pick acorn squash about the size of a walnut and eat raw, but like it cooked as well. I vary stuffing of sweet,butter, nuts and fruit or put cream gravy on it. I like it as a filling in ravioli or added puree to a nice homemade bread.

  2. Somethings want to take over the world.

  3. My squash is usually dead because of squash bugs by this time :(

  4. What a beautiful site, Lisa! It does look like you are going to have a bumper crop of all kinds of squash-I love them all.
    And hopefully no snakes-yikes!

  5. Maybe you could have a nice talk with the squash and ask for a little cooperation. :-) I am not a squash person, but maybe I've just never had good squash. Growing up, we had yellow squash fried with onions and cooked until it was mush. Not very tasty to me.

  6. Wow...your squash really are trying to take over the world!! One of my favorite is Patty Pan Squash, although I haven't planted it in a few years. (my garden has shrunk considerably since I had back surgery!) I hope you don't unexpectedly come across your resident black snake! That would be enough to give me a heart attack!

  7. I love your sense of humor;) The back of my garden looks like that--there's no keeping squash vines in their place.

  8. Wow!
    That is quite a squash patch.

  9. It is a squash jungle!! Very impressive. And actually it looks very pretty trailing over the fence. Will you have to can ALL these squash? It seems like an endless task! But from now on you need to wear a suit of armor when you enter. Don't be brave, be safe!!

  10. Lisa, your gardening skills always amazes me!

    As for squash, I love yellow made in a casserole with cheese. My mom used to make it, and I can't quite replicate it as well as she could.

    And, even at my age, I discovered how much I enjoy spaghetti squash, so good. :)


  11. Your squash patch looks fantastic!!!

  12. i remember those days, i think my parents had issues with their string beans. usually would have to get a hold of it and get it under control or would just go crazy silly every where. i have found a few recipes for squash with zucchini with tomatoes and it is really good, but when i get home to make it myself ... it is almost like i need something else? it is kind of tasteless or whatnot? it is very frustrating. i know some folks use it in veggie lasagna. ( :

  13. I know next we will see your squash in prison!

  14. how i wish i have the space to plant this. LOL....runaway squash....escape from prison

  15. Wow, look at that garden! I never once thought there'd be snakes hanging out there, but it makes sense. Stay safe! Your squash might be rebellious, but they are amazing!

  16. Huge plants! I would be nervous about the snakes.

  17. Wow, watch out for snakes for sure! The garden has done wonderful- and your squash is just being squash. LOL!

  18. I love ALL types of squash! Just wish I had them growing in my garden but please no snakes, they make me nervous.
    Fabulous harvest Lisa - you could have a roadside stand!


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