Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Time on the Feet

I won an advanced reader copy of the newest book by Dean Karnazes (scheduled to be released in October) on Goodreads.  The book is about ultramarathoning, and it details the events leading up to the first marathon in ancient Greece.  In reading this book, I had a moment where I completely lost my sense of rational, became weak, and impulsively registered for a 24 hour race.  As in you race for 24 hours to see how far you can go.  24. Hours.

I've never done anything like this before, and can't even begin to be prepared for this sort of undertaking.  The good news is that it isn't too far from home, so I can always just turn in for the night if I can't continue.  In the meantime, I'm trying to run and walk as much as I can.  I'm trying to get used to time on my feet.

I'm doing my usual morning runs, and then am trying to get back out in the evenings for an additional walk or a hike.  The other night I suggested that Pierce come with me.  I told him we could hike over the mountain to a local highway and back.  Pierce did not think such a thing could be possible!  We often drive it, but even driving it is treacherous at times, and it's a long way to go over the mountain and back again.  But he agreed to give it a try.

It was hot, even starting out in the evening, and there were a lot of bugs.  At one point, we heard something big snuffling off in the woods and thought it might be a bear.  Because it is so steep, the four mile trip took us about 90 minutes.  And we even ran about 1/2 mile of it.  Pierce had a blast!  So did I.  It was nice to just catch up with him about school, and enjoy nature.  We only saw one car the whole time.

The next night, Pierce said, "Let's go hike again!"  He wanted to do the same route again.  And the following night?  Again!  I've created a monster! 

Not really though.  I'm glad that he's loving taking these hikes so much.  As long as he wants to go for hikes in the evening, I'm sure Paul or I will indulge him.  Training for a 24 hour race sure is a lot more fun when you have a little friend making sure you get out for your workouts. 


  1. For some reason I was picturing you hiking until you just fell down and slept int he middle of the trail.

  2. It must be very bonding to do a hike with your son. But alack and alas, my days of long hikes, running, and generally being sporty are long gone, and I must say that I am not sad about that at all! Good luck with the training.

  3. I sometimes repeat my walk, but enjoy going somewhere different each day.thought of you while reading a text the other day a friend thought I would like, her fav.Love,Hate,fear,Anger and other Lively Emotions by June Callwood. She is 86 and said it has got her to that age was published in 1964. She taught Psych for many years

  4. I love it. Recently, I put my youngest son in a Montessori school, and we have to drive him 20 minutes to get there. His dad takes him in the morning, and I pick him up in the afternoon. It's made for the perfect one on one time every day--exactly what he needs.

    You know, I don't think I could do 24 hours. We do Universal Studios enough that I know what it feels like to be on my feet and walking around for 8 to 10 hours straight. Whew! I'm wishing you the best!

  5. It's wonderful that Pierce is enjoying the hikes/runs etc.

    And, you? Lorda mercy girl 24 hours. I know you'll do well though 'cause you're a tough little cookie. :)


  6. What a very cool time of bonding for both of you. And QUIET with no gizmos or noise. So he can think and talk to you about anything. But I am nervous about the 24 hour thing! Surely there will be lots of breaks. But I know you are a very good runner. When is it?

  7. Good Lord, 24 hours... I'm lucky I stick with the 45 minutes I try to get in *ahem.

    Great thing to do with your boys - they will always remember all the quality time and the things you do with them, and this is truly GOOD for all of you.

  8. Sometimes the impulsive decisions can start a new adventure! That is great that Pierce is enjoying the hikes. That's a good time to talk and just be together. When is the 24 hour race?

  9. That is awesome that Pierce is loving the walks. Best of luck to you on your run!

  10. Good for you! My husband likes to do ultras. 60K is his longest so far. Have fun! I didn't know Dean had a new book coming out. I'll have to grab a copy for my husband.

  11. That is a great time to share together, one on one. I'm sure he is loving it as much as you...something just the two of you share together.

    Sounds like a CRAZY plan to do the marathon, but I admire your goal. I'll be curious to see how far you go.

  12. How cool!! 90 minutes for 4 miles sounds excellent to me!
    Go monster go!

  13. Interesting! I like hiking but I have no time to do that.

  14. Pierce is a good sport! As for you, well, don't overdo it!

  15. Good luck to you!! My son has that Minecraft shirt. ;)

  16. Lisa, I never heard of such a thing as a 24 hour race. What does your husband think of that? It sounds harsh to me.


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