Friday, September 30, 2016

Walking, Plus a Discount Code for the Salem Half Marathon

I've been trying to walk as much as possible for an upcoming 24 hour race.  Some days I can't find the time to fit in a walk in addition to my run.  But on the days I can, I always enjoy it.
Most of the time I just walk on the road we live on, or else on our land.  I can walk for an hour, and sometimes not a single car will pass by.  It's always scenic, with fresh air and plenty of wildflowers and nature to see.  I like listening to the bird calls, and wish I knew what all the different birds were.

Some days I can convince a kid (or two, or three) to come with me, and those are my favorite walks of all. 

Two days ago, I was contacted by the Salem Half Marathon.  This is their inaugural year, and in addition to the half marathon, they are also having an 8K and a kids' run.  Salem is so scenic, with rolling hills and an adorable downtown - the perfect place for a distance run.  They have offered Two Bears Farm readers a discount of 20% off registration if you use the code BLOG20.  Come out and run - it's sure to be a fun time, and afterwards they are having a post race party at the farmer's market with food, bands, and kids activities. 


  1. You have a beautiful place to walk. Are you and the kids going to run in Salem? If i tried to do it now, I would probably keel over. LOL But I am trying to walk more.

  2. The race promoters should send info to Kipps Elementary in Blacksburg. Grady is on a before school running team that must have at least a hundred kids in it.

  3. I love how you pass on your appreciation of the lovely place you are living in. Sorry, but can't do the runs....too far away and too unfit!

  4. I commend you for your dedication to fitness and your goals. I need more of that. We live on a country road, but it's not rural like yours.. there are still plenty of cars and they tend to travel too fast. I often walk Ben out there but have to be careful of the "traffic".

  5. I agree with Tina. A beautiful place for walking.

  6. I like to listen to birds and be able to identify them. Just try to get a sighting, and ID if you can. There are many sites that you can listen to calls of familiar ones.I point my gaze toward the call and hope to sight them.Birding is one of the most popular hobbies in the US , whether feeding , looking or providing habitat.For field guides get one that is state specific.

  7. Will you and the boys be going to the Salem run? Also, when is your 24 hour run coming up? Your family must be enormously healthy!

  8. Lisa, you have so many beautiful surroundings to walk/run. I love the photo. :)


  9. OHH your walk is so beautiful!!! And peaceful.
    Good job,,, on doing this!

  10. I am a walker and love the peace and quiet it gives me. My crew is currently training for the Spartan race in Atlanta in December. I used to run until a few years ago, walking/hiking have replaced it.

  11. I love getting Lewie to take walks with me. Of course, he has a 20 minute cap before he starts complaining (usually). Salem sounds beautiful. Enjoy these wonderful crip, fall days--perfect for walking (or running).

  12. I'm not a runner but I wish you the best.


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