Wednesday, October 26, 2016

100 Cats

The saga of the desire for a cat colony continues with my twins.  They want so badly to build a barn to house all the feral kitties. 

Reid drew this picture from a book he read in school last year called Millions of Cats.  The book must have made quite an impression on him, since he drew the picture now.  I googled the book and it sounds excellent - I need to read it myself.

If you look very closely, you can see that the person by the house is also holding a cat in his arms.  I just love it!

I'm taking Friday off so I will see you next week!


  1. What a precious photo and so admirable of the twins to want to help feral cats. As you know, we have 5 rescues. This drawing is a treasure.

    Enjoy your time away.

  2. What a precious picture! And what compassionate sons you have. Do you have a lot of feral and stray cats in your area?

  3. I can relate to your boys. As a child, I wanted to save all the animals. (Still do. :) I'm guessing that as they grow older, you will often hear, "Look what followed me home, Mom. Can I keep him?"

  4. I am not sure I would want 100. I had a rental that came with 17 cats, and too many kittens.I found a large animal vet who helped me cure the kitten problem if i brought 2-3 at a time and assisted him.In Iowa there are more feral cats than people. A friend does a rescue and hers always want me to cuddle when I go over, covering me in hair.LOL

  5. well that is the sweetest thing! enjoy your break!

  6. Super cute! My daughter already insists she's going to be a cat lady one day, so I'd better not let her read it, but I'll have to go check that book out too!

  7. That is so sweet. How funny that the book left such an impression on him!

  8. Wow, that picture looks just like my place, especially the cats all trooping in.

    We have 14 cats just now. 7 are small kittens whom my daughter has decreed must "winter in" until Spring before going out to the barn to live. Thank God I have my shop to escape to.

  9. This is the cutest picture! One to save for sure. I went to Amazon and checked it out. It has black and white drawings, and has won awards. It is kind of a classic. Teaches humility and other virtues. If you click on the corner, you can look through the book. So must have a lot of ferals! Does your own cat fight with them?

  10. You are raising good, good sons. Love childrens art, they tell a story, don't they.

  11. Brilliant! I enjoyed this blog read :-)

  12. His picture is excellent and so creative!

  13. If you would be willing to take a TNR'd colony in your barn, it would be greatly appreciated! I know we are always looking for safe places for colonies to be relocated. If they are TNR'd..they would not multiply, but you would have good rodent control and lots of new kitty friends!

    I love that your kids are so sensitive to the issue.

  14. I love the picture! Don't let the kids turn you into a cat lady! By the way, there are websites about caring for feral cats.

  15. That's a cute picture! I like cats too.

  16. What a great, expressive picture. So, so cute! :0


  17. How sweet! I love that the book had such an impact and it is obvious that your boys have big hearts. :)

  18. As a cat lover, I would love to have hundreds of cats :)

  19. AWWWWW.... How cute Lisa! From the time my Daughter was young, she loved cats. She grew up having lots of them. We lived on a country road and people would drop their animals off all the time. Most times the females were pregnant. We had a barn like structure that all the cats lived in. I fed them... but there were so many that no way could I take them to the vet. And to take them to an animal shelter, they wanted $25 a cat. So I just fed them and hoped they stayed healthy.

  20. I just read about that book in the paper. The author was a local lady. Great drawing! So creative.

  21. That's so cute! I love it!

    Isaak and Mica have such different styles of writing. Mica's much more factual, and Isaak shoots from his imagination.

  22. What a thoughtful drawing... (My son draws pictures of computers and their processing units.) Your son obviously loves animals. How sweet that he wants to give all the cats a loving home.

  23. It is a sweet picture, and now I want to read the book too. :)

  24. millions of cats! daughter loves cat so much. Too bad we can't have pet in this rented houses


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