Monday, October 17, 2016

Carvins Cove

I took this cell phone picture overlooking Carvins Cove when I did my 20 mile trail run on the Appalachian Trail.  It seems like some mythical world, doesn't it?  Not like something you'd see in Virginia.
Carvins Cove is the water reservoir where Roanoke City residents get their water.  They allow canoeing and kayaking, but no motor boats or swimming. 

By some play of light, this picture ended up in silhouette, even though when I took it at 3:30 in the afternoon, there was still plenty of light out. 

Readers, have you found any mythical worlds in your state lately?


  1. Hi Lisa, Hope you guys enjoyed the weekend. Carvins Cove is very pretty; interesting how the photo came out! Occasionally here in north GA, fog will settle and make for a similar scene.

  2. That's beautiful! The water looks so blue instead of the green a lot of the rivers and lakes have. Nothing mythical looking around here--I just want to see the leaves change color! lol

  3. Such a beautiful photo, Lisa!

    If there's anything mystical around these parts, I don't know about it. :)


  4. What a beautiful picture! It does look magical to me. :)

    I am also impressed with your 20 mile run. A great setting for sure!

  5. I have scratched names on cukes and squash also. You can make funny faces if you like too.

  6. 20 miles! Surely there were breaks! I would have been dead by the first mile. The first thing I thought of when I saw this was Camelot! I don't know why. But it is a splendid shot, and the shadows add to the mystique. Look how beautifully pale and blue the mountains are compared to the dark trees in the foreground. Super!

  7. Gorgeous.... I still cannot get over the fact that you are doing a 20 mile run on the App. Trail... Mercy ME... I admire you so much....

    Sometimes I can get a really super picture like yours --with the perfect lighting.. BUT--it's not easy. Yours is awesome.


  8. That is pretty!

    We went to a farm we haven't been to before. I got some good sunset photo there. I wish we would have, had more time to justify the cost. It was still fun though.

  9. Oh my what a beautiful photo. I love shots like this.

  10. Beautiful! That is an amazing view.

  11. That photo is beautiful.
    The farm I grew up has the nicest Brook you could ever be at. On a summers day you could be down there in another world. It's like something out of a picture book!

  12. Yes, this place sure does look like it's holding some mysterious or magical power. We have a few places that feel like this close to home too--all of them are in the woods. Twenty miles! Wow, you are in awesome shape!

  13. Very pretty! Yes, we have mythical places too.


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