Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Helicopter in the Yard

A few weeks ago the utility company was trimming trees in our region.  They asked if they could use our pasture for refueling through the day.  The horses were in a different field at the time, so we didn't mind if they used the hay field.  There aren't a lot of open spaces in our region for them to land a helicopter because the terrain is so hilly and wooded.

All day long the helicopter would stop by every hour or so to get fuel from a truck in our pasture.  Our dog, Bo, made best friends with the guy doing the fueling and stayed by his side all day.  I think Bo wants to be a helicopter pilot when he grows up. 

The boys were disappointed that the helicopter was gone by the time they got home from school.  They had hoped to be able to sit on the porch and watch it while they did their homework. 


  1. I think Bo would make a cool helicopter pilot! :-)

  2. How cool! I'm disappointed for the boys too. I think I might have kept my kids home just so they could watch, but then, we home school, so... =)

  3. awww I'm sorry the boys couldn't watch! Glad you photos for them though. So cute that Bo made friends. :)


  4. That Question Mark butterfly in my latest post is in the Angel Wing family, with a smaller one called a Comma, and the largest a Mourning Cloak. Interesting wing shapes and colors in the entire family.

  5. You should have got them to take some photos of your place, maybe they would do it but who knows. The last time a helicopter came around here it was an unmarked dark one, almost black though it had a green look to it. They kept circling around my garden and was so low that when I waved the pilot only gave me a nasty look. I suspect they were having a hard time figuring out what weeds were hiding my vegetables.

  6. You got a great picture! Why did they need to refuel by air? Neither of us can understand..if the tree trimmers could get to the tree road, then couldn't their fuel?

  7. Makes me long for the good old days. I haven't flown a helicopter since the eighties. I flew Hueys and Rangers. That looks like a Loach those fellows are using.

  8. How interesting your pupster helped all day . .
    kinda like a kid . . hm?

  9. Now that is something you don't see every day and it is something I hadn't really thought about before. Glad you were able to lend your land, but sorry the kiddos missed it!

  10. glad the horses didn't mind and were far enough off the landing zone to be safe. bo - too cute.

  11. Sounds like fun, but sorry your boys missed that. They would have loved it I'm sure

  12. Oh I can imagine how disappointed the boys were!
    We see lots of helicopters during Christmas tree season.

  13. How cool! I'm glad Bo wasn't frightened by it.

  14. Hi Lisa: Reminded me of a field trip I took when I was around the age of your boys. We went to a fire house and were told we'd be given a ride around the block. Someone determined that would be too much liability. So, they let us climb in the cab and sound the siren. There may be opportunities for the boys to visit a police or fire department helicopter. :)

  15. Awww...your boys would have been fascinated with watching that. So cute about Bo!

  16. That was nice of you to let them use your pasture. I can imagine the boys disappointment, they would have loved watching that. Glad that Bo had a good time.

  17. That's an exciting kind of visit to entertain!
    And I didn't post a comment on your hike in the mountains, but what an adventure you had! You inspire me, Lisa.

  18. Aw, shoot! They missed it??! Rats. That is very exciting stuff having a helicopter land in your own yard!


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