Monday, November 21, 2016

Little Drummer Boy

Pierce is old enough this year to be in the steel drums club at school.  Last year we watched their concert and they were fantastic.  They use huge steel drums that actually came from the Caribbean.  I'm excited he has this opportunity.

He was working on a school project where he had to make an instrument from recycled materials.  He built himself a drum set from Pringles cans.  We had to eat a lot of Pringles over the weekend in the interest of this project.  It was quite the sacrifice. 

For whatever reason, the Pringles cans all sounded slightly different, so he organized them by pitch and then duct taped them in order.

He'd been banging around on the cans for a few days.  I was really good at tuning out the racket.  After all, I did survive twin toddlers.  But then one day the sound filtered into my consciousness and I realized I recognized the song.  I went in to Pierce's room and said, "hey, Pierce, I recognize that song."  He said, "Yeah, it's the Fishers of Men song from church."  I was a little surprised.  I suspect the kid is going to have a lot of fun in steel drums this year.  Maybe after the spring concert I'll even have a video to share. 

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Way to go Pierce, I am sure it sounds wonderful. Twin toddlers Lisa my Mom did that twice LOL. I understand this. Hug B

  2. Great Pierce, keep on making music! I heard my steel drum band in 1960, what a sound. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  3. If Pierce is picking out songs by ear, he is doing great! You may have a musician on your hands. I love the way he made the Pringle can instrument.

  4. That is really neat and you could recognize the song! Wait until he builds the electric version.

  5. Sounds like he has a good ear for music, wish him luck

  6. Love it! and That face, such a happy child.

  7. Not only do you have the "cutest" boys, they are all so intelligent! Look at Pierce. Oh goodness, how smart is that. And, for you to recognize the song played on Pringle cans is amazing. So happy for Pierce, and girl you're going to need ear plugs, I guarantee it. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving to y'all as well.

  8. He must have been playing very well if you recognized the song! This was a great idea and he executed it so well! I bet the drums are so much fun for him. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  9. You might have a young Ringo Starr in the making there.

  10. rocking star .
    loved his smile so cute

  11. he's so creative! this is such a cute photo of him. :)

  12. He is brilliant. I like the way he takes initiatives to do it

  13. He did quite a good job on the homemade drum set.

  14. What a cutie!
    What a great idea, too.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  15. Sounds like he's going to pick it up easily. I think the Pringle cans idea is fun. :)

  16. What a cool club; I wish there was a steel drums club at our school! I love Pierce's project--what a sacrifice to eat all those Pringles! Your son has amazing creativity. I look forward to the spring concert.

  17. What a cutie you have! Actually all your kids are cute!

    I love that he could play a song with the cans.

    Mica started the trumpet this year. It's loud.


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