Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Myrtle Beach in January

Since the boys had such a long winter break, we decided to take a brief road trip.  Hotels are so cheap at the beach this time of year, and I love the beach in winter.  I like that it's quiet and you can admire the scenery in peace.

It was so misty the day we got there that we couldn't see very far.  It was nice though - about 68*.

My aunt and uncle gave the boys gift cards for Christmas, and we used one to go to Ripley's Aquarium.  It was really fantastic. 

Something is so relaxing about watching sea creatures.  Pierce found one that he bonded with below.

The highlight was the shark tunnel, which was long and wrapped through the tunnels on a moving sidewalk, so my pictures were blurred.  Sharks were swimming on both sides and overhead - and there were so many different types of sharks.  But another highlight was petting moon jellyfish, which I caught below. 
We also pet some horseshoe crabs and some small sharks.  The aquarium is pricy, but I think it was worth it for all they have to see.  The boys and I all were amazed by the different sights there. 


  1. GREAT tie-dyes, no need for sunblock!

  2. I can't wait to get back to Myrtle Beach! The aquarium is one of our favorite places to visit.

  3. I bet the beach was very nice! The latest in the year that I've been to the beach was in October some years ago. It was so nice not having the crowds. I think now I would just sit on the beach and stare out at the ocean.

  4. You were in one of my stomping grounds. We split our time between the lake and the beach. I'm headed there today. The Aquarium is very cool.

  5. a fun place to play. I think I bought my last tie dye there also.

  6. I haven't been there yet - what a fantastic place! We live near the Mystic Aquarium and have been there many times, but it is only 1/4 of what you experienced.

  7. Hi Lisa, We too love going to the beach in WINTER... It is MUCH cheaper ---and (when it's not foggy), I love seeing the sunrise and the sunset that time of year....

    I'm sure the boys enjoyed it.


  8. What a great way to spend part of the winter break. You always find super 'learning' activities.


  9. January is a good time to get away for a while, neat trip.

  10. This is an awesome adventure, which I would love myself! I have not heard of this place. Where is it? Is it near Myrtle Beach? LOVE their tie dye looks!!

  11. Looks like a great time. Love the shirts! Aloha!

  12. That's an excellent vacation! The beach is always so much nicer in winter. Quiet, calm,and not many people.

  13. Very cool aquarium. We like the beach, but mostly at night...when all the tourists are gone. It's so peaceful to be there, moonlight shining on the waves, the way the sand glitters, the soft rush of moving water... I so need a night beach trip.

  14. Love those shirts! Glad you had a good time.

  15. That's interesting that all of the sharks can be together and not fight/get territorial. I love those kinds of swim throughs too. And hurrah for reduced hotel costs in the off-season!

  16. looks like fun! this takes me back to our many visits to Sea World. my son loved visitng there.

  17. Oh my goodness, so much fun! We really should do this sometime.

  18. What price is there for such a wonderful experience and learning opportunity?! I say, money well spent! Looks like a ton of fun!

  19. How I miss diving so much! Looking at those sea creatures..you're right Lisa..it's very peaceful down there..

  20. What a nice spontaneous trip; sometimes unplanned trips can be the best! That aquarium sounds amazing, especially the shark tunnel. I have to remember your post if we ever get an opportunity to visit Mrytle Beach. It sounds like it was a great trip for everyone.

  21. Nice photos! great to get kids interested in nature instead of just tv's and smart phones.

  22. I love the photo of all three of them. Did you make the shirts? How fun! We've never tie-dyed shirts before. I bet Isaak would love doing that.

  23. Love the picture of the boys on the beach. The aquarium sounds like a fun time.


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