Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Running Recap 2016

The past year wasn't my best running year, but it wasn't my worst either.  I developed Morton's neuroma on my right foot last January, and battled it all year.  I had a couple of cortisone shots, which helped, but didn't cure.  I've been using metatarsal pads in my shoes and had active release therapy (ART) done on it a few times.  Surgery isn't an option in my opinion, as it is not always successful and can cause problems worse than the neuroma.  Some days are better than others.  But it did affect my mileage this year.  In all, I ran 1419 miles.

I ran three races, and those were fun.  I especially enjoyed the 24 hour race I did in November, even though I didn't run the full 24 hours.  Here's a picture from our first snow dusting this winter.  You can see the little chalkboard on the left where I keep track of my miles when I'm doing long runs at home.  You can also see Francie checking me out.  She's doing well.  And to the right is my garden area.

Hoping my foot will improve over the next few months.  Taking time off doesn't seem to help much, so I'm just trying to learn to manage it run by run. 


  1. I just went to my doctor because of Plantar fasciitis. Take care!

  2. This doesn't sound fun, I would find someone else with a better batting average for repair

  3. You ran more than me :)
    I hope your foot heals!

  4. Hi Lisa, Happy New Year to you and your family. Hope 2017 brings you much joy, happiness and LESS PAIN.

    I am having foot problems also --but my pain is on the top of my foot (neuropathy problem I think)--so luckily, it doesn't effect my walking. My joy (NOT) is having to wear my tennis shoes ALL DAY and ALL evening long... Slippers or anything soft without good support causes my foot to HURT.... Not Fun!!!!

    Hope we both get better soon.

  5. I've wondered about the physical effects of your running program. I know that can be very hard on the body over time. You enjoy running so much though, that I guess you will adjust and keep on at it. The benefits surely outweigh the negative aspects.

  6. That sounds painful! I'm sorry you have Morton's neuroma. :(

  7. I see sweet Francie peeking at us. Your miracle horse. Sorry about the neuroma. I know high heels aggravate it, but I don't think you wear any. I totally agree about the surgery; sometimes the surgery can be worse than the neuroma. My spell checker is stumped. Instead of neuroma, it wants me to use ROMAINE. I'm always so glad to see a post from you!

  8. I have a mortons neuroma too! Got a shot of Alchohol in the area of the irritated nerve and it helped greatly for about six months - no pain! then it started coming back again. He didn't discuss surgery, said another shot might do the trick next time. Some people go for the shot (he uses alchohol) once a year or so and it keeps them comfortable. I find when I wear shoes that are the least bit snug, that's when it flairs up. Annoying!

  9. Well, we can put 2016 behind us and move into 2017! I'm wishing much joy and happiness and good cheer for you in our new year!

  10. I'm so sorry you are have foot problems. I hope it will get better. You have a clever way to keep track of your mikes. :-)

  11. Oh goodness so sorry about your foot, cannot imagine the pain Lisa. You're a trooper that's for sure.

    Yes, I can see Francie and very glad she's still doing well.

  12. I had no idea you were dealing with a foot issue....so sorry, but goodness you still pushed yourself! Bravo
    So glad Francie is doing well!

  13. That is a lot of running in my book! I wish you the best of luck with your foot- it sounds painful to me. Good luck!

  14. Thank you for taking care of yourself -
    Thank you for the Francie update . . . I was wondering . . .

  15. I just googled Morton's neuroma; I honestly didn't know what that was, but it sounds painful. Does it hurt every time you run/walk? I think it's amazing you were able to do a 24 hour race with that feeling and run 1419 miles last year, for that matter. I'm so sorry you have this condition--congratulations to you for pressing on and still doing what you love!

  16. I'm pretty sure our son has Morton Neuroma. It matches his complaints when his foot is bothering him. He's very particular when it comes to shoes and we buy extra pads. He loves Nikes.
    It's so good to see Francie's sweet face. :) glad she's doing well. :)

  17. That's cute to see her peeking around at you. Good luck with getting all healed and back to 100%. And did you say 24 hour run??????? Makes me tired just typing it. ;)

  18. Impressive running year. Hope your foot is well soon. Love the snow pic.

  19. Oh, I hope your foot heals up quickly! I had surgery on a broken (!) bone spur at the end of summer and it is still sore!

  20. I hope you're getting much better soon. I haven't been running properly either this winter but would love to do it again despite my week knees and permanent numbness after chemo


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