Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Winter Beach Fun, Part 2

I have a few more cell phone pics I wanted to share from our short trip to Myrtle beach. 

Here are the boys on the boardwalk.  It rained all morning but finally lifted in the afternoon.  We were glad we brought raincoats.  I love how quiet it is in the winter.  Mostly just older couples walking on the beach.  I guess a lot of kids had to go back to school before we did. 
The boys wanted to go to Ripley's Believe It or Not Odditorium.  They love the Ripley's books and are frequently checking them out of the library.

I have to admit the Odditorium was really fun.  Lots of quirks and history and some hands on, too.  Here, Pierce compares himself to a wax figure of the largest man. 

The boys loved this dizzy tunnel.  The lights are spinning a circle around you, and although the floor does not move, when you get in there it's very disorienting.  If you stand there for a minute it starts to feel like you are spinning yourself. 
There were other fun things like a scary mask with a jewel inside, that when you reached for it, sent out a big puff of air (I may possibly have jumped in the air and yelped over this.  Luckily, we were the only people in there at the time).  There were also some great computerized dance and fight simulations that we all loved. 

It was a fun little getaway.  I guess now I get to start planning my spring garden...


  1. wearing my hat from there today doing chores.A nice place to have fun. I like that tunnel shot and the boys hamming it up for you


  2. Whenever I see boardwalks like that.. and I grew up around many of them.. I think SPLINTERS..lol..

    I love places like that, where the kids can explore, learn fun things, and get to be KIDS.

  3. looks like a great time. We went once with my sister. Beautiful beaches.

  4. So good to see you! I really LOVE these pictures! I had not seen or known about the tallest man. And the dizzy room picture is awesome and psychedelic. It is a perfect picture of weirdness and fun. I love the boys in their raincoats; I can see there are almost no people there! I hope you will be showing us what you will be planting.

  5. How fun! We have Ripley's here but has not heard of the other one. Look at Pierce so tiny next to that wax figure. You a Paul find the best places to go for the boys that you both enjoy as well.

  6. I did a comment from my phone --but don't think it 'went'.....

    Looks like you all had a great time in Myrtle Beach. There are so many things there for KIDS....


  7. How fun! I had a roommate in grad school that talked about Myrtle Beach a lot. She loved it there. I've never been.

    The Ripley's Believe it or Not museums are fun! We went to one in Wisconsin Dells.

  8. That sounds like a fun place! Though just looking at the pic of the tunnel makes me dizzy. I would have had to try it though, :-)

  9. I love it!

    They had one of those hallways at Universal Studios for Halloween Horror Nights, but they did it completely with 3D glasses. You seriously were falling over by the time you got to the end, even though nothing was moving.

  10. looks like your boys had a blast! so cute!

  11. Wow, that is some tall man! Glad you had a nice getaway.

  12. My parents live in the Gulf and a trip during the off months is always a treat. No crowds! Looks like you guys had a fun time despite the rain.

  13. What a great time,, and wonderful photos!

  14. That's funny about the air/jump. :) I bet my kids would like that optical room too. That's an awesome pic you got in there...and the first picture is rocking great too! Glad you had fun.

  15. The boys were surely having fun! We haven't visited the Ripley's museum here in NYC..

  16. You picked the right time to go to the beach. My wife and I lived on the beach in Emerald Isle, one of the outer banks islands, for a year. In the summer it was nice, but crowded. In the winter, not a soul stayed out there but us. I had the beach and the pier all to myself. Used to drink my coffee out on the pier virtually every morning as the sun came up over the ocean.

  17. What a fun little get away and at the right time too; no crowds!!! Boy, that tall man was reallllllly tall!

  18. Nothing like a fun trip with the young kiddos. Fond memories for me..:)

  19. Ripley's looks like a fun place to spend the day (or part of it). Always interesting to see things that seem out of this world. I am glad you were able to get away and enjoy the peace of the beach in winter. I have not been to Myrtle Beach, but I am hoping to get to Cape May soon because I love the beach in winter. :)

  20. That looks like fun! What an awesome tunnel!

  21. So fun... I have to go! We would love the Odditorium! Is that wax figure the true size of the largest man in the world? Oh my!!


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