Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Winter Break Fun

We had a fun break over Christmas.  I didn't have to teach any classes and the boys were out of school for several weeks.  Here are a few things we did.

Cort asked for a cotton candy machine for Christmas, which my parents got him.  The blue raspberry turned his lips and tongue blue.

We went to the Martinsville science museum one day.  Pierce's preschool teacher, who has kept in touch with us over the years, came along.  We had an excellent time.  Below is Reid threading whale bones.  The highlight of the trip was when Mrs. Mack and I were chatting in the gift shop and heard Pierce behind us saying, "I'm feeling romantic!".  We both stopped and looked at each other in surprise, and then turned around to look at Pierce (who is a very concrete thinker and definitely doesn't go around talking about his emotions).  Turns out he had a mood ring on and was reading the color chart to see what his mood was.  Mrs. Mack and I laughed and laughed over that.

One day we went roller skating.  The boys had so much fun that we have decided to go roller skating a lot more often.  It really clicked for Reid and Cort this time, and they found themselves skating more confidently by the end. 
I have another winter break post coming up soon.  Readers, did you do anything fun over the holidays?


  1. Oh your dentist is going to LOVE that cotton candy machine (wink).......the "I'm feeling romantic" was so cute! catchatwithcarenandcody

  2. I spent most of my childhood on skates and still love it, but we just don't go as often as I would like. So fun!

  3. ...something is missing in that smile!

  4. That's a good use of time off--how did that cotton candy maker work? I'm always doubtful about those gadgets, was scarred for life by a Snoopy sno-cone maker as a kid;)

  5. I am so glad to see a post from you today! Wow, a cotton candy machine. That is a really neat and unusual gift to think of. Goodness, what a picture of those whale bones!! The mood ring thing is TOO funny! Roller skating is the best. I skated all the time when I was a kid. I would go up to the top of our hill and skate down fast with my pigtails blowing out behind me. I kept my skate key on a string around my neck. Prehistoric times. I guess nowadays they are all line skates

  6. Romantic, LOL! Cute pictures, and I like that blue color at the rink.

  7. Such cute pics! A cotton candy machine sounds like something I would like. :-) I bet that did startle you to hear that Pierce was feeling romantic. LOL So they still make mood rings?

  8. Roller skating is such a fun activity. I used to hate running the cotton candy machine at our school festivals. Always ended up with some in my hair. Hope you guys had better luck! lol

  9. The cotton candy machine sounds like fun! I love the story of Pierce in the gift shop. Roller skating with Roller Blades....not sure I could do that. Glad they had a nice time.

  10. I love how they are all holding hands to skate.

  11. Oh, I miss breaks with the kids! I never understood the moms who hated breaks--I always loved the lazy days doing what you wanted to do with no have-tos! I'm glad you enjoyed your break too.

  12. You folks surely do a lot of fun activities. I remember when mine were that age, my wife and I moved heaven and earth to get them off the mountain and to things like the aquarium, zoos', etc. just as you do. It pays off as they grow older. And it such fun for the whole family.

  13. I want a cotton candy machine :)

    I love winter break!!

  14. we had a lot of family time during the holidays...it was fun. :) back in October we visited Boone, NC and it was a fun time!
    my son always loved roller skating and we attended all the school skate parties. :)

  15. We did a lot of family time. It was nice. :)

  16. I greet you and wish you a nice weekend.

  17. I've always enjoyed reading and seeing the pics of all the things you guys do. It's so nice how you and Paul introduce the boys to various activities, Lisa. Been pretty quiet around these parts. Lol

  18. We did some similar trips--science museum, roller skating, etc. I'm so happy to hear you have a rollerskating rink by you, too. We love ours, and Lewie takes lessons on Saturdays. My husband and I may join the adult skate on Mondays for "date night." I love, love, love that your son was "feeling" romantic. Mood rings are the best!

  19. Great break! We still have to wait until mid February before the break..my kids somehow don't really enjoy skating

  20. The comment about feeling romantic cracked me up! You probably have all kids of things that make you laugh when the boys talk.


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