Monday, February 13, 2017

Around the Garden

I've been trying to prep the garden some during the milder days.  I layered some sand in the area I plan to plant carrots this year (very excited - I ordered some purple ones).  I have been putting down hay and mulch, and hope to bring down some manure from the rabbits as well as my compost ball. 

I couldn't find any gardening gloves one day when I was pulling the last of the fall weeds, so I borrowed some from the boys. 

I installed a bean tree for my beans to grow up (last year's bean climbing devices left a lot to be desired.  And I ordered this year's fruit trees.  I think our self-pollinating pear from last year didn't make it, so that is being replaced for free.  In addition, I ordered another peach, two plum, and a cherry. 

Readers, have you started thinking about garden plans yet?


  1. Did you wear the rest of the outfit with the gloves?
    I have been thinking about cleaning off the garden but haven't got as far as you. Maybe if I had some cool gloves I would be more motivated.

  2. no home should be without spiderman gloves. :)
    I love the idea of fruit trees. I would love to buy a home with enough space to plant some trees. when my grandma and parents share memories of their childhood it always includes eating fresh fruit from trees in their yard.

  3. Like the gloves, I have a similar pair. I hope to see spring appear next month late.

  4. You have to know, I love your gloves! :)

    Hope you will have a great outcome from your garden and fruit trees this year, Lisa. You're such a hard worker, and inspiration for your boys.


  5. You Impress me - I'm not in a position to plan my own garden . . I AM planning to power up my teeny camera and get to our Botanical Garden . . haven't been in a long time . . . sending love, -g-

  6. Spider Girl does gardening! Has the superpowers to uproot anything! Looks like the boys gloves fit well. The fruit trees will be exciting! Will they all bloom this spring and summer? I know some only bloom after a year or two. Yes, hasn't the weather been great? Perfect for beginning a garden. I like your polka dot boots.

  7. ...I believe that the garden back home is covered with snow.

  8. oooh, I am jealous of all that land you have! We don't do veggies, but I am always out in the garden...wondering what is going to come up....what died over the winter. And how many more things can I buy come Spring!

  9. It's still a little early here. Won't be long though before we get started. Looks like winter is going to ease up on us sooner than usual. We often get a good snow in the first part of March in a normal year.

  10. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones. We are enjoying this special day in Arkansas at our special little cabin on the mountain!

    We have had almost NO winter this year... Not sure how many of our flowers will be okay --after our horrible drought and now, no winter.... CRAZY Weather.

  11. We're thinking, but we haven't acted on anything just yet. There was still snow on the ground this week. It just started warming up. We need to get a move on.

  12. Oh, love the gloves! Probably your garden will have special climbing powers!

  13. You've got me thinking of planting!

    I need to plant some bushes up against my fence so my dog can't see out and hence will stop barking at my neighbours

  14. You have been busy! Our yard is pretty much a clean slate here in VA. No trees, no flowers, only a rose bush on the side of the house and half dead holly's across the front. Landscaping needs to be done but we're concentrating on the inside first. But I would LOVE to be digging in the dirt. :)

  15. It definitely feels like gardening weather! 63 yesterday. But it will be awhile in Minnesota.

  16. The gloves are cute. My great grandfather had a cherry tree and would get more than mildly annoyed when all the kids would climb it for tasty treats. ;) One of the few things I remembered about him. :)

  17. Girl, my grandson would love a pair of spiderman gloves- he's a comic freak! Last spring I had tons of ideas for this year, but with my mom's illness I won't have time to do any of it. I can barely keep one houseplant alive right now. But I will enjoy reading about your successes and next year will try again.

  18. I'm wondering how this warm weather we're having is going to affect gardening and fruit trees. I wish it wasn't so warm this early.

  19. lovely gloves! My boy has one as well hehehe...I have always wanted to have my own garden but I haven't got the place and the opportunity. Hopefully back home in Indonesia I will..


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