Monday, February 20, 2017


My parents got me a fermenting kit for Christmas.  It had been on my wish list for a very long time.  I have some old crocks that were my great grandmother's, but they have dangers of lead paint, so they no longer recommend these for fermenting.  This method is safer, plus it prevents mold from becoming an issue.  I took this picture right after I filled it up:
My first attempt was sauerkraut.  Sauerkraut is excellent for digestion, and is loaded with good bacteria for the gut.  I took at least a week for it to get the flavor I wanted.  Once it did, I capped off the top and moved it to the fridge. 

The boys love this.  Who would've thought?  Readers, do you have any good fermentation recipes for me?


  1. This is something I have been wanting to try. I will have to research a kit.

  2. i love how creative you are, i wish you well on this scientific experience. my German heritage says i should love sauerkraut, i guess for me personally it depends on who makes it and how? some i don't have a the taste for ... but there is a restaurant in West VA that makes it just heavenly yummy good!! ( ;
    have a great week.

  3. My husband has sauerkraut going right now. I got him a fancy fermenting pot for his birthday in August. It's helpful.

  4. My husband has sauerkraut going right now. I got him a fancy fermenting pot for his birthday in August. It's helpful.

  5. I hope this comment doesn't double up. It said, "Resolving Host" for a bit. Whatever that means. Ha!

    My husband has sauerkraut going right now. I got him a fancy fermenting pot for his birthday in August. It's helpful.

  6. I have been wanting to try fermenting as well!

  7. as a kid we put the kraut on top of mashed taters. I make it pretty regular, used to make a huge crock of it myself.

  8. my uncle was just talking about this. I don't know any family or friends that have tried doing this. I may have to check it out.

  9. I love saurkraut, especially on a good hot dog, but have never given a thought to making it myself.

  10. I have never heard of this! It does look easy though. How WAS the sauerkraut? Better than store bought? And I would imagine a lot healthier. A FUN gift!

  11. Interesting. I'm not familiar with fermenting. We eat cabbage all the time, we love it!

  12. I didn't know that about sauerkraut. And I didn't know you could get a fermenting kit. See how much I learn from you? :-) Why are fermented foods good for you?

  13. When you get too many turnips, grate them and do the same as with sauerkraut only the name for fermented turnips is sauerruben, and it may be where the ruben sandwich came from as it works really well on that sandwich. The flavor is similar to sauerkraut only it has a faint horseradish like taste.

  14. Well, I look forward to hearing about what else you are going to ferment. I will have to live vicariously through you.

  15. To jest ciekawe. Nigdy nie słyszałem o zestawie fermentującym.
    Może być przydatne. Pozdrawiam

  16. sounds great yet new thing to me .
    best wishes for the week ahead friend!

  17. Sure beats burying a crock in the back yard!

  18. How come you changed your blog address?

  19. You're amazing, Lisa.


  20. I love Korean Kimchi. Kymber makes it at her house. I will ask her to let you have her recipe. Don't spell Kimchi in your house. If you do, the stink is appalling and I guess you will have to burn the house down and build a new one.

  21. So cool! You're really exposing your boys to lots of "neat" things! Good luck in your sauerkraut making; it sounds like the digestion benefits, along with it being a "cool" thing to do, makes it a win-win!

  22. Frankly, I have only tried fermentation once with tempe, Indonesian traditional soybean cake..but it wasn't very successful :)


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