Monday, February 27, 2017

The HAM Radio Operator

Last fall, Pierce got hooked on Morse code.  He'd memorized it and was going around 'speaking' in Morse code.  I mentioned (casually - I had no idea where this was going to lead at the time) that HAM radio operators used Morse code sometimes.  Next thing I knew I was having to tell Pierce every bit my (very limited) knowledge of HAM radio. 

Pierce started studying for his license exam (issued by the FCC) in December.  He used a computer program that the local amateur radio club put on my laptop for him.  For Christmas, he got a small, handheld portable HAM radio.  He was able to listen in but wouldn't be able to talk on it until he passed his exam.

In January he sat for the test, which was offered at the Red Cross in Roanoke.  He was so excited when he passed at the technician level.  He is hoping to take the general level test at some point in the future.  But for now, he can finally talk on his radio.  He went to a local field day in January, where he got to try to make contact with people all over the nation.  He talked to people in places like Kansas and Tennessee.

It's kind of funny to look over and see your kid (who still likes to wear footie pjs) reading magazines on HAM radio for fun.  I think it's the sort of hobby that he'll be able to enjoy for many years to come. 


  1. Wow, congratulations to Pierce! It's fun to see our children's personalities bloom. Who would have thought Pierce would be interested in Morse code? I do love that picture of him with his footie PJs reading an "engineering" magazine. :)

  2. Luckily he didn't get into that home building rockets club! I think there really is one so don't say anything.
    Really neat that he got his license, pretty amazing, well not so amazing I guess knowing Pierce. I have that code breakers book for him, he may really like reading the stories.

  3. ...better that spending endless hours playing games on the computer!

  4. I like his eagerness to learn more, very impressive. What a great hobby to find, I bet there is someone near who might mentor him

  5. Such a smart son you have.... That is something he can and will enjoy for many years to come...

    You and hubby have done so much to give all three of your sons so many opportunities to learn and enjoy many different things... Love it!


  6. ...he was born a bit too late to enjoy the hay day of Ham Radio.

  7. Wow, this is so cool! AND interactive, not a hobby where he will be cooped up like stamp collecting or comics. And he will learn a lot, too. He is so smart! Perhaps he is the youngest HAM operator in the state?

  8. Amazing! What a smart young man, too. For sure, HAM radio is a lifelong hobby.

  9. I think that is great!
    My grandfather loved ham radios.

  10. How smart that little Pierce is! It's wonderful for him to have that hobby. :)

  11. It's always wonderful to see children reading and especially when they look really absorbed in what they're taking in! Way to be!

  12. A aprendizagem é fundamental...Espectacular...

  13. Wow, good for him! I am surprised that ham radio did not go out with the advent of the internet.

  14. Wow, I am very impressed. Way to go Pierce!

  15. Congratulations to Pierce! That is wonderful that he's interested in ham radio and that he's already at the point where he can speak on it. Seems like once people get the "bug" for ham radio, it never leaves them. :-)

  16. That's truly impressive! If he needs any help with anything, he can contact Dr. Jim, who is a long time radio guru. His blog is at

    He's helped me with radio issues.

    I'm jealous of your son. I started working on that back when morse code was still required to pass the test. I'd learned morse code in flight school, but I forgot it.

    Never did take the test. Maybe I'll get motivated now and do it!

  17. Love it! Isn't it so much fun to watch their personalities and interests develop? I find myself wondering "Where did that come from?" on occasion.

  18. WOW! Are there other young people on there as well? My image of Ham radio operators are just old guys.

  19. That's so funny! What a little genius you have there. I know nothing about Morse Code. It's a great little hobby he has.

  20. A lot of us ham radio operators are old guys, but there are many young folks joining us. That interest in my life was a key factor in my career choices. It was also a source of fun as well as learning.

  21. That young feller has a bright future...a little genius!!

    I wish you a wonderful weekend :)

  22. Big congrats to him. That really is some accomplishment!

  23. Morse code! remind me of y girl scout's handy indeed. And Pierce is wonderfully smart!

  24. Wow I am impressed! Sounds as if you have a very smart young man in your household. I have not been by your blog for a while and it seems to me as if Pierce should still be just a little boy going to the zoo! How time flies


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