Tuesday, April 4, 2017

How Green Valley Book Fair

The boys had a teacher workday recently and we decided to meet my mom and head north for the day to the Green Valley book fair, near Harrisonburg.  I've blogged before about this amazing warehouse sale of discounted books.  It's a happy place for sure.

We all found books we loved.  I got several animal memoirs - heartwarming stories about animals who changed their owners' lives for the better in some way.

Then we headed to Wright's Dairy-Rite.  Pierce has been begging to return there since we went a couple of years ago.  This little diner has been an institution in Staunton for many years.

Pierce loves it because he gets to phone in our orders from a phone right at the booth.  He also likes the jukebox.

I like it because they have chocolate soft serve cones that are dipped in peanut butter shell.  That's right, chocolate and peanut butter.  My favorite combination!  And they are as delicious as you might imagine. 

It was a fun day, and a good way to see out the dreary winter months. 


  1. ...my two little Granddaughters were at the YMCA Friday for their swim lesson and came away with a backpack full of books!

  2. How wonderful for all of you to go on this adventure! They are the best ways to show children our world! Nice capture too.

  3. Yum I can't believe that cone combo. Better homes used to do a sale with all the books they publish which gave me a lofty collection of cookbooks

  4. How wonderful to be able to spend time with the boys and your mom. Pierce looks so cute calling in the order! I'm glad y'all were able to find some books; nothing better than to hunker down and read. I do it all the time (more than I should when there are things I could be doing, like cleaning) but I've often wondered what I'd enjoy more than reading; nope can't think!

    Take care, and I know you, like so many of us, looking forward to Spring, and it's taking its time here. :)


  5. I would love to try that soft serve cone, my favorites too! Sounds like a perfect day.

  6. What a perfect day! And I love places like that diner, they don't make them like they used to.

  7. Oooooh, I have GOT to get up there to Green Valley some time. I hope you enjoy the books. Let me know of any of the animal memoirs you like.

    The diner looks fun! Pierce looks so serious calling in the orders. :-)

  8. Looks like a great day for the family... Knowing you all, I'm sure you had fun at the Book Sale --and went home with LOTS of new books to read...

    AND---I would love that ice cream cone with chocolate and peanut butter... YUM...


  9. That place is so huge, I can never find the kind of books I am looking for! But it is in a gorgeous place. We love Wright's too, and have taken other bloggers there.

  10. It does sound fun! I love chocolate and peanut butter mixture too!

  11. Neat! I've been to the book fair several times. I always get tired before I see everything!

  12. Book fairs are dangerous places. Seriously dangerous. =) What a fun day! When we all home schooled full time, we'd take days like that periodically and just go play. Now, with one kid in college and one at a Montessori school, coordinating any kind of getaway feels pretty impossible.

  13. Are they ever growing!!! So cute!

  14. I love to come across an awesome bookstore too. That diner looks great. I love that you can phone in the order. :)

  15. Sounds like a great get away. I like book stores. Used to be, on the border between Florida and Georgia there were big warehouse stores full of used or overrun books on everything. We always stopped there. I think they are all gone now, though.

  16. The book fair sounds great! What fun for Pierce to order by telephone from the table.

  17. That sounds like such a fun day! I wish we had something like that here!

  18. I LOVE BOOK SALES. I end up seeing one or two of mine there and sometimes buy them to replenish my stock at home.

  19. The book fair sounds like so much fun. I love getting to pick out books!

    That diner sounds awesome! I've never heard of chocolate ice cream dipped in peanut butter. Yum!!

  20. Books at a discounted price are always a good thing! I'd be excited too if I could order my food like that. It's a neat, unusual way to do it.

  21. How fun! What a low-key and memorable way to spend the afternoon. The fair sounds perfect...I'm sure you found some treasurers. Your boys are truly growing up to appreciate everything.

  22. I can;t wait to go the family and game night at my kids' school where we have some book sales as well. Always love a stack of discounted books

  23. A fun adventure and with 1990's era phones!


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