Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Egg Hunting, Two Bears Style

This was the first year that none of the boys had Easter egg hunts at school.  So we had to do something at home.  Rather than just hide a few eggs around the house or in the yard, we decided to get a little more....creative.  Paul and I hiked a trail loop on our property, hiding eggs along the way.  It's about a 3/4 mile loop. 

After we had all the eggs safely hidden, the boys were very excited to go.  A neighbor kid showed up right around this time, so we gave him a sack to let him hunt for eggs too (he was so delighted by his fortune in having shown up with perfect timing you would've thought he'd won the lottery).  A brief countdown, and they were off!

There were eggs in trees and in holes and even on limbs.  Eggs that had to be hit down with sticks.  Needless to say, this adventure was a HUGE hit with the boys, and they immediately wanted to do it again.  I suspect this will become a yearly tradition, assuming the weather is always as beautiful as it was on this particular week. 


  1. We had about 12 kids for ours. One mom lamented she had filled eggs for 3 hours.

  2. I LOVE it! We used to go camping with our church group the Friday before Easter, and teens would all help with creating an Easter Egg hunt out in nature. It was the highlight of the event. Miss those days.

  3. Awe you are a wonderful mommy! I have been putting on inside and outside hunts for a whole lot of years! It's what we do to help the bunny right!

  4. I lOVE this! So adventuresome. So not really an egg hunt, but a hike and adventure. You found good places, too.

  5. Did they find them all? When we moved here I would find plastic eggs that had been hidden and they had money in them. I haven't found one in years so I must have got them all.

  6. What a great tradition you have started!

  7. The best thing about kids is how easy it easy to make them happy. :) Well, that's one of the many best things. ;) Glad your neighbor got lucky, I laughed at your description of his delight. I can see it in my mind, lol. Egg hunts rock!

  8. GREAT idea!! I want to come next year!

    I've read on FB that people paint rocks and leave them hidden all over their towns. That might be fun...have them paint some rocks and they can hide them for each other.

  9. It will not be a bad yearly tradision. Fun. LOL. I love the monkey face eggs. cheeky.

  10. That looks like fun! I wonder if they found them all? It looks like a pretty day to do it. We hid some outside, but in the mailbox, and car because there was a chance of rain.

  11. This looks so fun! I would have been excited as the neighbor boy. LOL If they didn't find all the eggs, think about the discoveries that can be made in years to come. :-)

  12. Wonderful idea! Years from now you'll be doing this for grandchildren.

  13. This sounds like such fun! I can imagine the neighbor's excitement at having come by at the right moment. :) Hope next year's weather is just as nice.

  14. That was a great idea. When we were kids, our church always had an easter egg hunt for the little kids. i can still remember how much fun it was to hunt the eggs. It was nice of you to go to so much trouble.

  15. How funny that we both posted about egg hunts! Did the boys find all the eggs? What a neat idea to hide them on a trail; that makes it a double adventure. I also had to laugh about the neighbor kid. It was definitely his lucky day :)

  16. Oh, I love that, Lisa! What a great idea, and I can only imagine the little neighbor's excitement being able to join in. :)


  17. Now that is one exciting egg hunt you set up for them!

  18. Yes, I agree. You've started something here!


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