Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Go Fly a Kite

We had three kites from previous beach trips.  One breezy day over the boys' Spring Break, we took them down to the large pasture.  One was missing a piece.  Reid got his stuck in a tree when a breeze jerked it out of his hand.  But Cort?  Well, Cort had a grand time.

Behold the joy of Spring! 
Readers, when did you last fly a kite?


  1. It's been years! We bought one on Martha's Vineyard and flew it out over the field and in the yard of the house we were renting. It got away from us and flew out over a neighborhood behind the house - never did find it.

  2. Yes! Yes! This is such a fun experience and we've had lots of windy days for great success around here too!

  3. Cort did a really good job! Love the photos.

    I used to take my younger brother to a field so he could fly his kites and that's been over 50 or more years :)


  4. When my wife and I lived on Emerald Isle, off the coast of N.C. in 1985, I had two kites. One was a three dimensional Sopwith Camel, and one was a three dimensional Fokker Dr.1 triplane. They really looked like the real deal down there on the beach. I didn't get to fly them much myself as they attracted kids like bees to honey.

    Later, after we moved here, my wife used to take my son and daughter to the High School football field to fly kites, but I never went because I was working.

    I'm sure your boys loved that kite flying.

  5. It's been years since my kids were young that I have flown a kite. BUT--what I love these days is to watch all of the fancy kites on the beach.....

    We are at the beach now enjoying the sunshine.


  6. Good to see you! These are great shots of a boy and his kite!! Our grandkids love to go to the park and fly kites, too. I'm always wanting to buy new and bigger ones.

  7. I went to a Kite fest recently, will post some good ones coming up. They had a place to assemble your own that was fun also.

  8. It was a few years ago for me. I flew them as a kid and helped my own kids fly them. Always fun!

  9. There is something joyful about that kite flying and your son looking up at it. :-) I remember only one time trying to fly a kite as a kid--I think I need to try again.

  10. When I was a kid, I played with kites, a long time ago, Lisa...
    Thank you for your kind comments!!

  11. I was never good at it, sadly.

  12. Hi Lisa, I lost touch with you over time but saw your comment on Out On The Prairie's blog and want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day.
    I was never successful flying a kite!

  13. Hi Lisa, It's better late than never. It was rather busy for me -yesterday...
    But now, it's about time to say HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU, LISA!!
    I hope you had a lovely Sunday with your 3 boys, your husband & family.
    Did you get to see your mom for mother's day?...I bet you called her...
    I just stop by to say hello to you, Lisa.
    I hope everything is well with you all.
    Greetings from Poet Starry.

  14. I haven't flown a kite in years. I am not sure why- as it was always so much fun (except when the kite ended up in the tree). We have had tons of wind here the past month- so lots of good kite weather! Glad all of your kites didn't end up in the trees. :)

  15. It's been forever! I like to watch the kids fly kites though- they do all the leg work and I get to watch the fun!

  16. Actually about two month ago with my brother!

  17. I believe we tried flying a kite last summer at the beach; I haven't seen the kite since which leads me to believe it didn't survive our last flying adventure. My husband has to refresh my memory :)

  18. It's been years since I flew a kite. In the city it's just so hard to find a spot.


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