Wednesday, May 31, 2017


I ordered the boys a game called Mindflex, because one of them was having trouble focusing in school and at home.  To play this game, you wear a belt around your head with sensors on your forehead and ears.  It responds to brainwaves in the 'focused' zone, similar to an EEG.  When the player is focused or concentrating, the game's fan goes on, and the ball lifts into the air.

Once you learn how to control your attention, you can manipulate the ball up and down and around in a circle.  That's when the real fun starts.  You can add obstacles.

My hope is that once it's understood what attention and focus feels like, the boys can turn it on at will, just by changing their thinking patterns in the brain.  This is essentially biofeedback. 

The game is a little pricy, but I think it's a healthy way to help children learn to focus more effectively.  And I have to admit - the game is fun for adults too!  I suspect it will be popular with my psychology classes too, when we study EEGs and biofeedback.

Readers, do you feel like your concentration could use improvement?


  1. ...I've always had a problem focusing, all those things around would distract me.

  2. This looks interesting! I'd love to play it! Mica really does well with paying attention while in school. His struggle is remembering to turn in homework, and elaborate with answers. Isaak's struggle is he takes forever to take tests (like me), he also forgets what he reads about.

  3. That sounds like a great way to learn, Lisa.

    Now that I'm older, I'm beginning to have trouble concentrating and focusing. Sometimes lately, I read a paragraph two or three times.


  4. Now that sounds very interesting to me. I've never heard of it before.

  5. So happy to see a post from you! This is amazing! It is like science fiction to me, that you can make things move with your mind. It seems like it will be a huge help. Let me know how it goes. Can I ask where you got it?

  6. That's genuinely amazing. I had no idea such things even existed.

    I need to be able to focus better, but I fear at my age it's a lost cause.

  7. I just showed this to Phil. His mind was blown.

  8. Really neat, be careful they will soon have cups and saucers flying around the kitchen.
    Reminds me of a star trek I saw 50 years ago.

  9. Oh my this sounds great, and I'm all in for things that help children learn!And especially have fun while doing it!

  10. We had this game when my kids were a bit younger. They loved it.

  11. What a great idea... Hope it works!!!!! I definitely could use a little boosting at times when it comes to concentrating..... ha ha


  12. so very interesting!
    garren just purchased a gadgety thingie called a fidget.
    apparently it is supposed to help with fidgeting?
    I dunno... what will they think up next?

  13. Oh my gosh...I LOVE this. I'm definitely going to look into this for Lewie. He's having the same trouble with focusing, especially when it comes to school work. I'm sure your psychology class will really enjoy this; you sound like such a great professor!

  14. Wow- that sounds like a fantastic tool to help kids focus. I'll admit my attention span seems to have shortened lately, but I think it's from what I've been fgoing through. I hope to get back to myself soon.

  15. Yes, I do have trouble concentrating sometimes. My brain feels "scattered." Or rather, my attention feels scattered. I like the idea that with this game you learn what focus feels like.

  16. That's remarkable Lisa . So many great new truly innovative children's games on the market now. Is it helping ?

  17. Very interesting! I think I'd have fun with it! :D

  18. It looks something useful for kids who lack concentration...

  19. I haven't heard of it until now. Pretty positive my kids would love it though (even the ones no longer classified as 'kids.' :)

  20. I am great at concentrating on things that are interesting. ;) It seems like this game would really teach you how to tap into your brain!

  21. Lisa: Something tells me you tried it out too for fun! I'm pretty focused. But this is an interesting game!


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