Wednesday, May 24, 2017

When Birds are Jerks

This spring, a little bird decided to build a nest in my clothespin apron, which was hanging on the deck (convenient for grabbing to hang clothes).  Everyday, the bird would add twigs, and I would remove them.  We went back and forth.  Stubborn little feathered friend.

That is, until I got really busy.  And forgot to check for a couple of days.  After which, I found this.  Not only is the nest complete - on top of all my clothespins - but now the bird is sitting there all day.  Probably on some eggs.  Look how SMUG this bird looks.
I guess I won't be hanging out the laundry any time soon...
Nicely played, bird.  You win.


  1. ...this is were the term 'bird brain' comes from.

  2. I'm sorry. I just can't help myself. giggle - snort

  3. Some don't ever give up. I had a house finch that came every year and wanted to put home behind a light outside my front door. I had to roll a towel up and put it there to stop it.

  4. I guess she decided that was the only place she could keep her nest! She must feel safe there. Maybe you will be able to see baby chicks!

  5. The audacity! Doesn't she know you need those pins. :)


  6. Sorry for you- but the bird does look happy. :)

  7. HA HA ---funny, but NOT funny. We have Carolina Wrens trying constantly to get into our garage... Every time we open it, one flies in there.... We 'shoo' it out ---but it will come back if the garage is left open.... they also love to build nests in my hanging baskets... Crazy birds...


  8. Oh, how adorable!!! And now you can wait for babies! You gotta admit she is one determined bird. But if you think about it, that is a really good soft place for a nest. None of that wood for her! This does kind of sound like a house finch. They will build in the same place over and over no matter what happens. Keep us posted!

  9. LOL... we've got them all over!... a nest in my barn, a nest in two of the birdhouses in the yard, a nest in the porch lantern, a nest on Stella's porch too!

  10. Yep that bird won for sure. I haven't hung clothes for years. I guess I figure with my allergies it's prob. best to dry them. I love the smell of hung dried sheets. But if pollen blows around...

  11. Adorable, and hopefully you and the boys will be able to watch any babies fledge later - always fun. Must be a wren - they always build with a side entry - and their little ones are sooo cute!

    Wish out could hang out my washing so it would smell of the countryside. It was always a special time of my childhood in England long ago - putting the wet linens through the mangle and pegging out alongside my mum - no electric dryers back then! It was tough going in the winter months though
    ! do still have a 'peg bag' full of old wooden pegs - comforting to look at, many memories!

    Just back from Italy - summer in NC very wet here this week - hope the mountains your way are beautiful.
    Hugs - Mary

  12. The bird said " I shall endeavor to persevere."

    I like to watch the birds in the forest in the morning, while I have my coffee on the porch. I only know the common ones, but it's pleasant to see them flitting around and going about their business.

  13. Awww....but they'll be gone soon enough.

    That's really sweet!

  14. lol I shouldn't laugh but it really is cute. :)

  15. That's so sweet! We have a bird in the shed, one at the pond, and the owl in the cavity!

  16. LOL, funny little critter! You could probably buy more clothes pins.

  17. LOL Looks like the bird has won!

  18. aww bless... lol....
    sorry but your right - that bird did win.

  19. How funny... I bet that bird worked extra quickly while you were away. You've certainly provided a very convenient place for her nest. She looks happy and yes, smug :)

  20. THis made me laugh- some birds are so determined!

  21. I guess the bird just knew it would win if it was persistent!


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