Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Hiking Catalina State Park, Arizona

My in-laws live within a couple of miles of Catalina State Park in Arizona.  One morning we got up very early for a hike there.

 Yet again, I was stunned by the beauty.  I don't think I would ever grow tired of these amazing desert landscapes.

 It was very hot, even though we got going early.  Pierce seemed to struggle the most in the heat.  He couldn't believe how hot it was!

 Paul invested in a new sun hat, having run over this other one with the tractor by accident.  He was overdue for a new one.

 Reid and Grandpa Bob take a rest and enjoy the overlook after hiking up a bit of a grade.
 Here the boys come up another long grade.  We didn't see as much nature on this hike as the one in Honeybee canyon, but it was also hotter on this day.

Another amazing overlook!  We took along plenty of water, so everyone made it through our hike just fine!  From there, we headed out for some more fun adventures, so stay tuned for next week.


  1. Some beautiful scenery - and I'm with your son - not a big fan of extreme heat.

  2. What a great trip you all had.... We are headed west in September... Hope it's not quite as hot... At least they don't have the humidity we have...

    Beautiful scenery...


  3. Thanks for sharing these, I do love that view. Enjoy stay cool and drink lots of water!

  4. Lovely! The pictures are so beautiful. Sounds like your trip has been a good one.

  5. It really is beautiful. But I can almost feel the heat through the screen. Grandpa must be very fit and healthy! Phil wears a hat like Paul's; he has to because of his face surgery. But everyone should. I think my favorite is the second picture with the sun shining down on everyone, also showing the heat. Now, on to the adventures!!

  6. Gorgeous scenery! I don't think I'd like that much heat.

  7. There are bighorns up high in that range.Lovely area to have fun, but one needs to hydrate well.

  8. How wonderful and fun even though it was hot! I know your in-laws were sad to see you all leave. :)

    I remember riding through the desert when we were young, and no automobile air conditioners back then. Pierce wouldn't have liked that any better than I did.


  9. I've always wanted to visit the state. I love that you are out and about despite the heat!!!

  10. The desert is amazing and beautiful.....and super hot too. :) It's hard to get accustomed to it.

  11. How beautiful! Such a great place to explore early in the morning when hopefully the desert heat hadn't completely kicked in. Love the pictures! I am sure the memories will last a lifetime. :)

  12. I love it there! You got some great photos!

  13. stunning view indeed..but I don\t know whether I can stand the heat!

  14. What beautiful pictures! (Lew had to buy himself a sun hat while he was out there too. He used it often.) The temp was 110 in Scottsdale; we had to do everything in the morning or late after 7 p.m. I bet your boys enjoyed the landscape!


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