Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Sima's Home

I posted back in January about finding Sima for the boys to have a kid-friendly horse.  We did a three month free lease to make sure that he was the right horse for us (and that his owner, who loves him dearly, felt he was going to be the right semi-retirement home for him).  I think everyone involved has been thrilled with the situation, and this week we are making it official.

Sima is enjoying a slower, rural lifestyle.  He no longer is part of a show barn life, or spending his weekends doing eventing.  He has fully embraced this muddier, lazier way of living.

The boys adore him.  He's a gentleman for their rides.  They are practicing the basics right now, like trying to learn how to post to the trot.

And I enjoy him, too!  I've been taking him on trail rides, and sometimes do a little jumping.  Last week I showed Pierce how to use the good camera, and he worked on getting action shots.  I took three fences, and Pierce caught two of them just right. 

It's been a long time since I've jumped much, or worked with a trainer.  It's good for me to see the pictures to pick out my flaws.  I got a tad left behind on this one.

Compared to Francie, he's an easy going, straightforward ride.  He's very sensitive to cues - like changing diagonals or asking for leads.

Riding him makes me feel like a teenager again.  It's such a treat to ride a more finished horse. 

But this is the best part of it - he's gentle with the boys, trustworthy.  And here's my photographer.  Didn't he do a wonderful job?

We all look forward to more rides with Sima.  Once the boys are more balanced, I'm hoping we can even do some trail rides on our land.


  1. Yea!! This is happy news all the way around! Looks like Sima landed in the perfect home.

  2. Wow, Lisa! His ears are jut so darn cute! I can only imagine how different he is to ride than Francie. Because he is a trained show horse, it must be totally delightful. Please tell Pierce for me that he has a natural talent as a photographer! I am impressed to no end at how he captured these action shots just at the right time. And so sharp! That is not such an easy thing to do! I think for his next big occasion, maybe his own camera? Who knows, he may have his own blog before you know it. I'm just sayin'...

  3. So glad Sima got you and your family for his new home. :-) Pierce did great with the photos!


  4. I can't think of a better semi-retirement life for an event horse - and your photographer did a fantastic job. Congrats to all -

  5. He's very pretty, and I'm so glad it worked out! Occasionally the stars do align, eh?

  6. Looking good, he will enjoy all of the attention, I think they are like people in that working makes them feel good.

  7. Awe how very special for all of you to share your lives together. He looks like one fine horse, enjoy many years together!

  8. So nice to see that Sima has a good home and people who will love and enjoy him! Great action shots...kudos to the photographer :)

  9. So happy for y'all, and Sima! Pierce does have an eye for photography. Find him a good used digital(for cheap) and turn him loose!

  10. Fantastic shots of having fun, glad to her it is working so well.

  11. He is a good photographer. You can bet next time he'll be even better! And I loved your shots of riding. I wish I could ride.

  12. I am so excited for all of you including Sima. Enjoy!

  13. How neat! Climbing up a mountain trail in Montana to reach the troutfishing "honey hole" below a falls, I always envied the people passing by us on horseback....:)

  14. Congrats to Sima! Pierce did a great job with the camera.

  15. Pierce is an excellent photographer! I'm so happy that Sima is working out for your family and for HIM too; what a sweet looking boy. I'm sure he's loving his retirement home. ;)

  16. That's so exciting! I'm so jealous you can keep horses on your property. I really miss having a horse and riding daily!

  17. Such a pretty horse. I'm glad the boys get to keep Sima.

  18. Beautiful horse, and you look like a natural rider. Life is good, living on your own farm out in the woods, isn't it.

  19. Beautiful horse! Looks like he's found a great home to live at.

  20. Such a beauty. I am glad that Sima has found a good home and that you all get to enjoy such a gentle horse. I miss being around horses. :)

  21. Trustworthy is important with everyone, but especially with children. Do Sima and Francie get along? Just hoping it's a big yes. :)

  22. It is sure a happy news. The boys will have loads of fun riding soon

  23. How exciting! Sima sure does have a good "retirement" home! What a perfect match! Also, kudos to your action photographer ;)

  24. Glad Sima worked out for all..... I'm sure the boys will soon be riding and enjoying it as much as you have .

    Hope you all are doing okay. I talked about a new book you would enjoy reading on my blog today....

  25. Hello again. :)

    How is SIma and the boys? Enjoying themselves very much ?

    May you guys have a great weekend

  26. Sima is gorgeous!!! He looks quite content in his new home. Your budding photographer is a cutie and has a good eye!

  27. Sima is in great home indeed! Hoe I love to see all the pictures of Sima here..lucky you!

  28. Oh! I love white horses. Your new horse, Sima is gorgeous!
    Pierce, your son, looks so happy with his new horse.
    I hope you all enjoy riding Sima in your bright future ahead.
    I love his looks, so pure white, so gentle, so unique. I love horses!
    Have a wonderful Summer Vacation to you all, Lisa, family, loved ones!
    You are indeed, all so blessed, my friend.
    Greetings from Starry.


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