Thursday, May 24, 2018

A Rising 6th Grader

Yesterday was Pierce's 5th grade graduation.  It's hard to believe we have a middle schooler now.

For Pierce, the highlight of the day was getting to go up in the ceiling crawl space of the school.  He's been asking the P.E. teacher, Mr. Banks, to go up there since he was in Pre-K.  Mr. Banks always told him he would show him what was up there on the last day of 5th grade.

Pierce got to take a few of his friends up the ladder to walk to cat walk.  It sounded like a herd of elephants in the ceiling.  He was so thrilled to get up there.

We are excited to see what adventures middle school holds next year.  Most people don't seem to have the best memories of the awkward middle school years.  But Pierce has always been such a happy, curious kid, who adores learning and school, so we are hoping he will thrive there. 


  1. Congratulations Pierce! That was so awesome that he got to the ceiling crawl space.

    Have a nice weekend.

  2. what a proud moment for all your family. I was just thinking of you yesterday.

  3. They boys are growing up! Love these photos of him - such a joyful young man.

  4. That's a big change for all of you. Middle School is horrible for the best of us. He will be fine with your care and guidance. It's a necessary evil, unfortunately. We all have to learn there are jerks in the world somewhere.

    Hang will survive. And so will he!

  5. Congratulations to Pierce! With all of his interests and curiosity, he should have a lot of fun in middle school.

  6. The boys will be in college before you know it. Life with kids flies by at warp speed.

    Glad to see you back on line. I was worried you were not feeling well.

  7. Bravoooo Pierce! So happy to see him finishing the 5th grade

  8. Hard to believe middle school already, he will do well there. I heard all about the crawl space, could become an end of school ritual for them.

  9. Congratulations to Pierce! I hope the boys are having a great spring.

  10. He is such a cutie pie, then and now. How sweet of the teacher to keep his promise of adventure. :)

  11. Mica's had success in middle school. He loved his overnight camp, he won a lip sync contest there, he participated in a Geography Bee, he got into Student Council, and got some awards.

    I think if Pierce has always loved learning, he'll do fine. It's an adjustment just like going from preschool to elementary school was an adjustment.

  12. Congrats to Pierce! How cool that he got to do something he has been wanting to do for ages. I bet he will remember that forever. :) Hoping he loves middle school.

  13. He's always been so precious! And, no I can't believe middle school already! Hunter goes into 7th. :)


  14. I don't think middle school is so awful as people say. It just depends on the situation/child and I'm guessing your boy will do fine. :) How fun that he got to go up in the attic space!

  15. Congrats to Pierce, and you. My oldest just graduated with an associates, and from high school, and it's a little surreal. They grow up so fast.

  16. Wow, congratulations to Pierce. I can't believe he will be entering 6th grade next year! I love these two precious photos of him. I bet he will shine in middle school!

  17. Congratulations, Pierce!!
    All the best in your bright future ahead.
    Greetings from Starry.

  18. How fun. Middle School today was still called Junior High when I attended at grade 7. Times change. But cool curiosity remains!


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