Monday, July 16, 2018

A Day in Baltimore, Part 2

You may remember a couple of summers ago I took the boys to the Edgar Allan Poe house in Richmond.  There is also a Poe house in Baltimore.  It's located in a seriously scary neighborhood (like so bad I didn't want to stand outside to take a picture), but we decided to brave it briefly.  This is the attic bedroom of the tiny old house.

After we headed back towards downtown so that we could visit the Poe graves (there are two markers).  This was the boys' favorite part of the day.  The cemetery is mostly 18th century and is so interesting.

There are graves and catacombs all throughout the churchyard.  It was fun exploring.

Here is the newer Edgar Allan Poe marker.  It's on the corner by the street and has easier access for visitors.

Isn't it an unusual cemetery?  And the graves were willy nilly all over the place. 

Here's the original burial place for Poe.  You can see that visitors have left tokens at the stone recently. 

There are a number of prominent people who were buried in the cemetery.  Historical markers are dotted throughout.

And then look at this section - it actually tunnels under the church.  There are even graves located beneath in the crawlspace. 
It was a memorable ending to a full day.  And all three of the boys loved this cemetery the most. 


  1. interesting graveyard, it looks like the style common down south.

  2. VERY cool. I bet that cemetery brought a lot of discussions about life, death and burial from a long time ago. It's so amazing how things have changed. Such honor for the dead!

    Be careful going into 'hoods that are dangerous. Even for a quick minute. Gangbangers don't care who you are. We live in Chicago--you have to be alert to be safe and not go anywhere where the hair on the back of your neck stands up.

  3. Wow, that is so interesting! Glad those cuties enjoyed the cemetery. I love walking through some of the ones here, and over in W FL. There is one near me here that has markers dating back to l700's.

    The boys are growing tall, Lisa. So precious.


  4. Wow, this is a really special cemetery! I think I will Google it and see what I can find. I wonder just why it is so different from the usual? I would love to walk through. You were really brave to go to the house, what with the awful neighborhood!

  5. Very interesting! I have never seen a more unorganized resting place - lol! You would think it would not be restful in all that chaos! LOL! Hugs

  6. I just saw on a list that Baltimore is prone to crime (I was looking to see if a city we were visiting was noted as being terrible for crime because it sure felt like it!), and I was so surprised. My DIL is from Maryland, but we never got to Baltimore. I'm glad you had a nice and safe visit. :)

  7. These photos are nice and detailed. And interesting information about the place.

  8. I wonder if he ever thought he'd be remembered like this!

  9. I have a brother in law who lives in Baltimore. When my wife and I came back from our tour of duty in Europe, we stayed with him and he took us on a tour. I liked the harbor, but even back then some parts of Baltimore were very dangerous and he kept us out of those.

    Looks like the boys had a good visit though, and an enriching experience, as my mom says.

  10. Neat cemetery! I imagine most kids would love it.

  11. Wow, what a cool cemetery! I've kind of developed an interest in them, too, now that we went to see Washington Irving's old grave site last fall. Too bad that the Edgar Allan Poe house was located in a scary section of the city. Kudos to you for braving it. I imagine they must lose out on a number of visitors each year for that reason.

  12. I like old cemeteries as well. Kind of creepy, but they look so interesting. Lots of history for sure!

  13. Wow! These guys are growing. Shows you how long my Blog and website have been dismantled. Nice to have a peek here!


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