Monday, July 30, 2018

Roanoke Gargoyles

When visiting other cities, I always like to track down gargoyles on older buildings.  But Roanoke has a couple of gargoyles, too, standing on either side of the street.  Some people would call these grotesques, because they aren't on a building a do not have spouts.  But most of the folks around Roanoke speak of them as the gargoyles.
 They are kind of off the beaten track.  You really have to want to see these gargoyles to find them. 
I suppose they were meant to keep evil out of the neighborhoods.  A lady that lives nearby tends to them if they get any damage.  I'm glad they are still standing - they have so much character. 


  1. ...we need more Gargoyles these days!

  2. How strange to come upon these - and what does RUGBY signify? Perhaps they mark a neighborhood?

    See you're out and about Lisa, making the most of summer I'm sure. Awoke to rain this morning here and at last the grass is beginning to look a little greener - it's been a strange summer weatherwise here.

    Enjoy this week with the boys.
    Mary -

  3. These are really unusual, and I am very glad you found them! I have never seen a gargoyle standing alone! It says Rugby, so I at first thought they are a rugby team's macabre mascot. Are they in a park, or do they just stand somewhere out in the open? I guess they are near this lady's house. The last one is the stuff of nightmares!

  4. Very interesting... I'm not sure I have ever seen any ---but maybe I have and didn't realize what they were or what their purpose was... I have read about them --and think I remember that they usually have something to do with gutters or rain spouts.....Maybe they do keep evil out of areas/neighborhoods... I might need to do more research... Thanks for sharing.


  5. Oh, these are great, Lisa! Thanks for sharing with us.


  6. Wow Lisa! Those are really cool! Wonder what the history is behind them!? Were they really used to keep out evil? Thanks for sharing!

  7. Have you been to the National Cathedral in Washington DC?? Talk about gargoyles! many fun ones on the cathedral.

  8. I have a gargoyle sitting on a stone pillar at the foot of the mountain. He's by the gate, and his job is to ward off evil. So far he's got a pretty fair success rate.

  9. I love seeing these. Thanks for posting them.

  10. Odd! I've seen gargoyles on cathedrals but they look stranger alone like that.

  11. That's great that someone else cares for them. They look pretty cool!

  12. My boys and probably my daughter, would love coming across these.

  13. They do have a lot of character. I haven't ever searched them out when I am traveling- but I do love to see them and always photograph them. Cool pictures!

  14. Agreed! They're so fun! Who wants bland streets without any proper history? I love what these say about the area.

  15. They are cool and unique that is for sure!

  16. These are certainly unusual. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Wow, they do have character! I wonder when they were built? So interesting.

  18. They do look cool. I'd like some for my wall outside my house.

  19. It's good that the lady is still upkeeping them. Sad to see many formation being damaged due to neglect

  20. Hello Lisa! Just stopped by your Twitter Page hoping to see an update. My university has two lions nicknamed "Mick" and "Mack" (University of Cincinnati). You can Google their images which have been maintained well over 100 years. Hope all is well with you! :)

  21. Hi Lisa, dropping by to say hello. Hope you and the boys are okay


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