Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A Sense of Wonder

Sometimes in your life you stumble upon a place so magical that you are struck with a sense of wonder.

Last weekend we took a hike to a place called The Channels.  It was almost three hours of driving, a portion of it far off the beaten path, to get there.  But I had discovered an article about this hidden gem a month ago and knew we had to make the trip.

Three miles of well maintained trail, all up, to get to these slot canyons.  We saw an abundance of wildflowers the whole way, and barely any other hikers.  You know you are almost there when you reach the old fire tower.

I cannot begin to describe how fabulous The Channels were.  It didn't feel like Virginia.  It felt like the American Southwest.
The rock formations go on and on.  You can explore for hours.  The twins were deep into crevices, but I stayed in more habitable areas.

I have to say, this is one of my most favorite places, my most favorite hikes, that I've found in Virginia.

As for Pierce and Paul, they explored a little.  But they spent much of the time trying to get a SOTA contact on the portable ham radio at the summit.
I hope everyone is having a marvelous spring, and enjoying their own sense of wonder in nature.  


Lin said...

Is there camping around there too? We are looking for good places to go this year. Good camping for me means a flush toilet and a warm shower nearby.

Glad to see you reporting in! I like to see what you are up to. :)

Buttons alias Grace said...

Wow love this it is an amazing place for sure. Worth the drive.Wow.

Annsterw said...

Wow! What a cool place! Those pictures of the kids are awesome!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are HERE, hooray!! This is an amazing place! Even the fire tower is so huge and interesting. My favorites are the second and last pictures. How did you keep from getting lost?

Busy Bee Suz said...

Wow-what a wonderful find!! I love that you are always making great memories with your boys.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful, very impressive. So glad you had such a wonderful time.

Vera said...

What an absolutely lovely place, and must have had a spiritual atmosphere surrounding it made by ancient people of long ago!

Sally said...

I've always enjoyed learning/seeing the trips y'all make. Such a great family, Lisa!

Linda said...

Oh my! How is it that I never heard of this place? Well, it is almost as far as you can go in Virginia. Looks like it is almost to Tennessee.

I hope you will post again soon.

Jonathan H said...

It reminds me of Cooper's Rocks in Morgantown, but more water sculpted.

I've lived in several areas with little gems like this; there are some in big cities if you know where to look.

Harry Flashman said...

Those boys are getting big.

Looks like a nice place. I especially like that it wasn't overrun with people. I always wanted to work in a fire tower when I retired, like Edward Abbey did. But by then, they had all been decommissioned and replaced with web cameras.

DMS said...

This looks like such a magical place. Well worth the time to get there! I want to go now too. Beautiful rock formations. So glad you guys got to go. :)

Maggid said...

This looks like a magical world - as if you stepped into another marvelous realm . . .

Annette said...

Wow, what a BEAUTIFUL hike. I'll have to keep this in mind in case I ever make it to Virginia. Your pictures say it all. I hope you and your awesome family are doing well!

Unknown said...

Who would have known such beauty exists without an exploration? Wonderful to see this and enlightening. I wonder how many treasures we miss in all states? Nice to try and get caught up here! :)

Vision By Mila said...

Really cool place!

LisaS said...

How amazing and beautiful. Had no idea there was anything like this in Virginia. Watch out for rain and flash floods!

Starry Love. said...

Lisa & Family, This place looks indeed, magical & unique.
I'm glad you and your family had the blessing to get there, a place with
ancient rock formations. I notice that you haven't posted for awhile.
Anyway, I stop by to wish you, your family and loved ones,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2020! I hope you post again...
All the Best,
Poet Starry.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi! This place looks very impressive, magical and unique with ancient rock formations. I'm sure you, your beautiful children and family enjoyed going there on a tour. I realize that you haven't updated your blog for awhile.
I miss reading your wonderful posts. I hope all is well with you and family.
Sending to you my greetings from overseas. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2020 for all of you, and better days ahead in your lives!
All the Best,
Poet Starry.

Marko said...

I wish you a happy New Year 2020

Linda said...

Just want to wish you the best for the new year!