Friday, January 3, 2020

A Trip North and Happy New Year

I just got an email from the twins' teachers asking for baby pictures to be used in their graduation ceremony this spring.  As in graduation from elementary school.  Which means I will have THREE middle schoolers next year.  Of course all the best baby pictures are on the blog, so here I was looking at old posts and I figured why not write a quick recap for 2019?

Last summer we went camping in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  I've wanted to make this trip since reading about it on someone else's blog years ago.  It's gorgeous up there and so much cooler in July than Virginia.  Reid sprained an ankle, so we ended up taking the COG up to the top of Mount Washington.  It was quite an experience! 

We also did a number of shorter hikes around the White Mountains.  And we took a day trip to Portland Maine, where we rode the mail ferry around to various islands and had lobster for lunch. 

The boys have continued to play music - here's a picture of them playing Old Joe Clark with the Junior Appalachian Musicians at a festival this past fall. 

My running wasn't the best this year - I've continued to struggle with some health complications, likely related to the lyme disease from the summer of 2018 (I do feel I finally have a doctor that is knowledgeable and helpful).  I ended up with 981 miles for 2019.  I'm disappointed about being 19 miles short of my minimum running goal, but am hopeful this next year will be much better. 

I read 107 books this year.  I was behind for a while - so I wasn't sure I would meet the goal.  Favorites included the Truly Devious series, The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise, Shadow Divers, The Weight of Silence, Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World, Where the Forest Meets the Stars, Call Your Daughter Home, The Sun Does Shine, The Traveling Cat Chronicles, The Distance Home, The Honey Bus, Lassoing the Sun and The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek. 

I hope you all have a great 2020! 


  1. SO good to see you, and the boys! They sure have changed and grown so much. Lyme Disease can be awful, I am so sorry about that.

  2. I love seeing your boys playing Appalachian music. My father-in-law played the mandolin and he was my first introduction to Bluegrass 36 years ago. Such a great music genre, with much history.

  3. Happy New Year! I can't believe your babies are going to be in middle school and my babies are graduating 😭

  4. Hi Lisa: Michael Manning here, wishing you and your family a Happy New Year! I see your travels continue to be to absolutely wonderful places, many I've never know about. 107 books! That is awesome!! As more of a generalist, I'll have to grab that one and see how others are steaming ahead. Again, you come up with the most incredible destinations in New Hampshire and Maine. Now I'm curious! :)

  5. Nice to see you posting. I'm impressed that you ran so much. Best wishes to the family.

  6. You are giving your sons a lovely upbringing by taking them on hikes. I did the same for my children, who are now 40 and 50 years old, and they still have a liking for being in the great outdoors.

    Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2020, and hope that you become well again. Vx

  7. Lisa, you are doing such a great job raising your boys. That's what always comes to mind when I read your posts. Great reading list too! I've got several on my nightstand, including The Huntress and The Last Mrs. Parrish

  8. Your summer travels sound delightful. So nice to see you blogging!! The wonder boys are at it again; outside adventures and music. Just awesome.

  9. Great to see a post from you! Happy 2020 to you all.

  10. I can't believe they will all be in middle school! Sounds like a nice trip you took. It awesome that they are enjoying the music so much. Sorry about your running but you still did an amazing job! Wow, way to go on the reading. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  11. I can’t believe your babies will soon be in middle school! Your book total is awesome.

  12. Sounds busy like us.

    I love the photo of them playing together. Did they take music lessons? Isaak's in strings, at school. His biggest love is the piano. After a short class of it in school, I broke down and signed him up for some lessons. It seems to be going well!

  13. Wow! 2019 sounds like a year with lots of fun. I have gone hiking in NH- but not for a while. I have never gone up in the COG. That might give me anxiety- looks a little scary to me.

    Hope your health complications from Lyme are getting better. I have had it 3 times in my life- so I know the struggles. Good luck!

  14. Just dropping by to say stay safe! I miss your posts.

  15. The boys look fabulous and how wonderful they are musicians! I just responded to an old, old comment on my many changes in the past few years.
    Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

  16. Hi Lisa: This is Michael Manning. I too have enjoyed feeling my spirits rise with your blog update that just reached me! As always, I know of no one who has done a finer job of taking the boys to so many beautiful and educational sites and journeys over the years and I commend you and your hubby. Well done! The photos are remarkable in quality and I'm heartened that all of you were able to undertake so many trips ahead of the Covid-19 pandemic. Your posts are missed by so many, and that is of course confirmation that we, your fans always enjoy stopping here. Stay safe and well, my friend!

  17. your boys have grown so much! and are so cute!! i have not blogged for a long time but am looking back at some past posts and saw you here. That cog train going up on mount washing ton was a real hoot, and like nothing I ever did before. Hope your year this year is a better year .


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